O poder nas marxes: post-humanismo tecnolóxico, monstros e subversión na narrativa de Cristina Pavón

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapter

  • Lorena Lopez-Lopez
The fact that the introduction of Cristina Pavón as writer was by the via of self-publishing and that her two first novels fall into the field of science fiction and Gothic fiction seem to place her work in the margins of the Galician literary field. These circumstances make her case a relevant example to think about the literary projects which are left in the margins in the increasing process of visibilisation of women writers in Galician fiction. Taking the theories by Donna J. Haraway (1995, 2004) on the subversive potential of the hybrid-being as the main underpinning of my analysis, I will discuss how Pavón uses posthuman identities –such as the self-conscious machine and the technologically modified human– in Limiar de conciencia (2012) and the lesbian vampire in Sangue 12 (2014) as border subjects who destabilise the essentialist identity categories and challenge the hegemonic discourses. Moreover, this approach will allow me to develop a parallel analysis on the dialectic strategies which these hybrids create in relation to the margins and the fluid tactics which the author herself tries out in order to intervene in Galician literature from her peripheral position.
Translated title of the contributionThe Power of Margins: Technological Posthumanism, Monsters and Subversion in Cristina Pavón's Fiction
Original languageOther
Title of host publicationIdentidade(s) e xénero(s) na cultura galega: unha achega interdesciplinaria
EditorsMaria Boguszewicz, Ana Garrido González, Dolores Vilavedra Fernández
PublisherInstitute of Iberian and Ibero-American Studies, University of Warsaw
Number of pages29
ISBN (print)978-83-65911-15-5
Publication statusPublished - 2018
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