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Outdoor Learning Across the Curriculum by Simon Beames, Peter Higgins, Robbie Nicol, and Heidi Smith represents a significant step forwards in the field of outdoor learning. Whilst the volume is a standalone publication, it can be seen to take on the mantle of Learning Outside the Classroom (Beames et al., Citation2012) and develop, update, and broaden the intersection between outdoor learning pedagogy and practice. It also makes an explicit effort to highlight how some of the biggest challenges facing planet Earth in the current era may be addressed through the adoption of outdoor learning across the varied areas of the curriculum. The authors offer a comprehensive exploration of how outdoor learning can be effectively integrated across various areas of learning within the school curriculum and perhaps more importantly, the purposes of such an integration. This review examines the book’s content, structure, theoretical underpinnings, and practical implications for educators, aiming to elucidate its value and potential impact on contemporary outdoor learning.


  • Outdoor Education, curriculum, outdoor learning
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages3
JournalJournal of Adventure Education and Outdoor Learning
Publication statusE-pub ahead of print - 2 Sept 2024
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