The World Health Organisation asserts access to “comprehensive, good-quality information about sex and sexuality;” supports sexual health and well-being. However, not enough is known about what constitutes “comprehensive” and “good-quality” education when it comes to relationship and sexual health education for young people. For this reason, a scoping review aimed at identifying gaps in relation to the receipt and delivery of relationship and sexual health education from a range of perspectives will be undertaken.
Following JBI methodology for evidence synthesis, an a priori protocol was developed. Iterative application of in/exclusion criteria will be necessary as the review progresses. The initial search used PCC to develop controlled vocabulary and keywords, followed by language limitations and publication dates of 2000-present, in six online databases. Articles were imported into Zotero and deduplicated. Titles and abstracts will be screened before full-text screening and data of eligible studies extracted. A descriptive approach will be used to summarise findings. A narrative approach, based on Braun and Clarke (2022) will be used to report qualitative data.
The scoping review is underway, and the poster will present preliminary findings, including a Prisma chart. Results will be presented thematically, and results shown in descriptive statistics.
Initial screening suggests that research focuses on the views of individual populations only. However, relationships and sexual health education curriculums are influenced by a range of groups, including young people, teachers, and parents. Each population and their perspectives need to be considered to ensure that sexual health education is comprehensive and acceptable.


  • young people, relationship and sexual health education, Sexual Health
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 2023
EventBritish Association for Sexual Health and HIV Annual Conference - Venue Cymru, Llandudno, United Kingdom
Duration: 26 Jun 202328 Jun 2023


ConferenceBritish Association for Sexual Health and HIV Annual Conference
Country/TerritoryUnited Kingdom
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