PhD CEOs and firm performance

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  • Andrew Urquhart
    University of Reading
  • Hanxiong Zhang
    University of Surrey
This paper investigates the relationship between the education of a Chief Executive Officer (CEO) and firm performance and provides robust evidence that firms led by CEOs with PhDs outperform their peers. We find that CEOs with PhDs increase firm performance by 3.03% while CEOs with a PhD from a highly ranked university increase firm performance by 4.65%. Our results are robust to endogenous CEO selection, transition firms, alternative rankings, unobserved firm characteristics and the network of the CEO. We also show that the increase in firm performance is due to a tighter control of costs and superior cash flow management.
Original languageEnglish
JournalEuropean Financial Management
Publication statusPublished - 2022
Externally publishedYes
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