This book brings together scientists, theologians, biblical scholars, and scholars of religion to explore the relationship between Pentecostalism and science with respect to miracles. The chapters cover a broad range of issues, such as how to frame the relation between science and religion; the compatibility of miracles and modern science; the best way of understanding signs and wonders in light of biblical texts; to what extent healing prayer should be studied scientifically; how the miraculous has been portrayed in modern cultural imaginarium; and the implications of all the above for Pentecostal theology and practice. These and related questions are addressed by both leading and emerging scholars, who not only ground the discussion in the wider discourse but offer creative proposals for a way forward. The book should be of value to all interested in the dialogue between (Pentecostal) theology and science.
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationCleveland, TN
PublisherCPT Press
Number of pages263
ISBN (print)1953358594
Publication statusPublished - Feb 2025
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