Social Return on Investment of Sistema Cymru - Codi'r To

Research output: Book/ReportOther report

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This report presents findings from a Social Return on Investment
(SROI) evaluation of the Codi’r To Music in Schools programme in
North Wales. SROI is a method of research which allows us to measure a wide range
of values of a programme across a range of stakeholders, so that we
can identify benefits or disadvantages that have a social, economic or
environmental impact.
Codi’r To delivers music sessions in two schools in disadvantaged
neighbourhoods in Bangor and Caernarfon, Gwynedd, based on the
El Sistema method.
We found that over a three year period, Codi’r To generated social
value across a range of £4.49 to £8.95 for every pound invested.
Using the best assumptions from our research, for every £1 invested, a
base case social value of £6.69 is created.
This means an SROI ratio of £6.69: £1


  • Health economics, SROI, Social return on investment, Education, Music learning, Music, Economic Evaluation
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages32
Publication statusPublished - 2018
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