“We can all relate": patient experience of an emotion-oriented group intervention

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Introduction: Group interventions are carried out routinely across
neuropsychological rehabilitation services, to improve understanding of brain
injury and aspects of impairment. Treatment provided in a group modality can
bring additional perceived benefits, such as co-operative learning. However, there are very few studies which explore patient perceptions and experiences of such interventions. In the present study we investigated the experience of attending a group-based educational intervention for the consequences of acquired brain injury (ABI), which had a strong focus on emotion and emotion regulation.
Methods: Using qualitative semi-structured interviews (approximately 20
minutes), the study explores the lived experience of participating in the sevensession programme, the better to identify the perceived efficacy, salience
and value of individual elements. Twenty participants with ABI took part in
individual interviews, after completion of the group programme (the Brain Injury
Solutions and Emotions Programme, BISEP). The study adopted a descriptive
phenomenological philosophy, which focuses on lived experience to explore
a phenomenon (i.e. the experience of BISEP). As regards methods, the study
employed thematic analysis to cluster experiences into themes of meaning.
Results: Five themes were identified: (1) ‘Long term consequences and psychological needs’, which related to the persistent nature of direct consequences of injury and adjustment, and how these result in a need for interventions such as BISEP. (2) ‘Positive experiences of participating in the programme’, referred to participants’ overall experience of the programme and valued elements within it. The remaining themes referred to the programme as (3) a social milieu; (4) a place to learn; and (5) a place to promote positive emotional experiences.
Discussion: Similar to previous studies, many people reported high acceptability
and perceived value of the group programme, and its role in facilitating
adjustment and understanding of injury. Of particular importance was the
opportunity to socialise with people who “can all relate”, in line with a growing
emphasis on social rehabilitation. The findings especially highlight the relevance
of emotion-focused group programmes for ABI, promoting emotion regulation,
and practical tools that are delivered optimistically. Further implications for
practice and future research include to focus on long term rehabilitation, a
social milieu, and strategies to support adjustment.
Original languageEnglish
Article number1384080
JournalFrontiers in Psychology
Publication statusPublished - 27 Jun 2024
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