What are the challenges to quality in modern, hybrid general practice? A multi-site longitudinal study

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  • Rebecca Elizabeth Payne
    University of Oxford
  • Francesca Dakin
    University of Oxford
  • Ellen MacIver
    University of Oxford
  • Nadia Swann
    University of Oxford
  • Tabitha Pring
    University of Oxford
  • Aileen Clarke
    University of Oxford
  • Asli Kalin
    University of Oxford
  • Lucy Moore
    University of Oxford
  • Emma Ladds
    University of Oxford
  • Joseph Wherton
    University of Oxford
  • Sarah Rybczynska-Bunt
    Plymouth University
  • Laiba Husain
    University of Oxford
  • Nina Hemmings
    Nuffield Trust
  • Sietse Wieringa
    University of Oxford
  • Trisha Greenhalgh
    University of Oxford

Background Since 2022, general practice has shifted from responding to the acute challenges of COVID-19 to restoring full services, using remote and digital modalities as well as traditional in-person care. Aim To examine how quality domains are addressed in contemporary UK general practice. Design and setting Multi-site, mostly qualitative longitudinal case study, placed in national policy context. Method Data were collected from longitudinal ethnographic case studies of 12 general practices (2021-2023); multi-stakeholder workshops; stakeholder interviews; patient surveys; official reports; and publicly-accessible patient experience data. Data were coded thematically and analysed using Institute of Medicine domains, Starfield's core features of primary care and sociological and socio-technical theories. Results Quality efforts in UK general practice occur within cumulative impacts of financial austerity, loss of resilience, increasingly complex patterns of illness and need, a diverse and fragmented workforce, infrastructure unfit for purpose, and distanciated ways of working. Providing the human elements of traditional general practice is difficult and sometimes impossible. Triage systems designed to increase efficiency have introduced new forms of inefficiency and compromised other quality domains. Long-term condition management varies in quality; amidst some convenience gains, some practices rely on remote, asynchronous data entry by patients and fragmented care by underqualified staff. Measures to mitigate digital exclusion do not compensate for extremes of structural disadvantage. Many staff are stressed and demoralised. Conclusion Contemporary hybrid general practice features changes with the unintended effect of dehumanising, compromising and fragmenting care. Risks to patients and the core values of general practice should be urgently addressed.

Original languageEnglish
JournalBritish Journal of General Practice
Early online date8 Aug 2024
Publication statusE-pub ahead of print - 8 Aug 2024
Externally publishedYes
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