Challenges and Healthy Ageing:the role of resilience across the life course (ResNet)

Electronic versions


Funded through the Lifelong Health and Wellbeing Cross-Council Programme, the network aimed to:

Unite and build upon previous work and existing evidence undertaken on resilience, and strengthen this with new perspectives and collaborations, thereby enhancing research capacity and development. It will develop a research, knowledge transfer and dissemination strategy and subsequent research bids that reflect a multi-disciplinary life course perspective to healthy ageing. This will be conducted using an approach that will increase the potential of knowledge transfer throughout the process. This will generate new knowledge for research, policy and practice on the multi-layered complexities of the ageing process and resilience which cannot be understood from a single disciplinary perspective.
Short titleChallenges and Healthy Ageing:the role of resilience across the life course (ResNet)
Effective start/end date1/05/0923/07/10
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