Staying well after depression: a randomised trial - additional funding on r26120

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What is the Purpose of the Study?
Each year in the United Kingdom a large number of people get depressed. When this happens, many have suicidal thoughts. We are very keen to find out more about the reasons for this and how we can prevent it happening again – both the depression itself, and the suicidal thoughts that can occur. We are particularly interested in the ability of two treatments to help people stay well in the future (by reducing future episodes of depression and suicidal thinking), when they have been depressed or suicidal in the past. When taking part n the study you would be randomly allocated to either Cognitive Psycho-Education (CPE) Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT) or the wait for treatment group, more information on these can be found in the information sheet and on the tabs left. What we learn from this study will be used to improve the care of patients in the future.
Short titleStaying well after depression: a randomised trial - additional funding on r26120
Effective start/end date1/04/1031/07/12
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