Customised TAA cations as counter ions in silicates and related systems

Electronic versions


  • Benjamin Stiefvater-Thomas


This thesis repo11s the structure directing effects of various tetraalkylammonium ions upon the structures found within silicate, alurninosilicate and borate solutions.
Structures were identified using a series of NMR techniques, most notably, 29 Si, 27 Al and 11 B NMR.
The preparation and silicate speciation within 10 T AA silicate solutions is reported. Sophisticated NMR techniques were utilised in order to quantify and determine the silicate structures found within two previously reported and 8 novel TAA silicates.
A series of previously unreported TAA aluminosilicates were prepared and the
stmctures found within discussed. Using the complimentary techniques of 29 Si and 27 Al NMR, the speciation of stmctures observed within solution is reported.
Using organo-boronic and organo-borink acid precursors, a seties of novel T AA
organoborate structures were prepared. A systematic route to their synthesis along with their characterisation by 11B NMR, elemental analysis and, in three cases, single crystal X-ray analysis is reported.


Original languageEnglish
Awarding Institution
  • University of Wales, Bangor
  • Michael Beckett (Supervisor)
Thesis sponsors
  • Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (ESPRC)
Award date2005