Effects of Eudaimonic Framing Upon the Self-Regulation of Healthy Lifestyle Behavior and Alleviation of Noncommunicable Disease

Electronic versions


  • Rhiannon Willmot

    Research areas

  • Positive Psychology, Health Behavior, Positive Health, Self Regulation, Impulsivity, Daily Journaling, Construal Level Theory, Episodic Future Thinking, Public Health, Noncommunicable Disease, PhD, School of Psychology


Behaviourally determined health conditions known as non-communicable diseases are responsible for almost 70% of global mortality, and drastically reduce quality of life. The behavioural profile underlying noncommunicable disease is characterised by impulsivity, whereby immediate rewards (e.g. unhealthy food, alcohol) are prioritised over long-term goals (e.g. reduced risk of obesity and liver disease).The extent to which individuals personally identify with motives for healthy action is a critical determinant of their self-regulatory effort, and automatic responses to environmental cues also influence behavioural outcomes. Novel approaches are required to recalibrate attention away from immediate gratification and toward distal goals to achieve this. The positive health paradigm suggests identifying and living in accordance with important life goals, or eudaimonia, leads to greater investment in one’s physical health, and may accentuate healthy environmental cues. However, little empirical research has addressed the role of eudaimonic framing in motivating physically healthy action. Accordingly, this thesis aimed to investigate how principles of positive health can be applied to alleviate the behavioural antecedents of noncommunicable disease. Globally, results suggest the value of eudaimonic constructs in promoting physical health outcomes, and substantiate theory regarding the motivational properties of goal internalisation in successful behaviour change.


Original languageEnglish
Awarding Institution
Thesis sponsors
  • KESS programme - European Social Fund through the Welsh Government; Sarvari Research Trust; Burpee Europe Ltd
Award date13 Nov 2019