The Application of Systems Thinking Approaches to the Development of Integrated Care Services for Adults with Complex Care Needs: A Systematic Review

Electronic versions


  • Sarah Fry

    Research areas

  • systematic review, systems thinking, application to organisational development


Background: The application of systems thinking approaches is an emergent theory-based research method that focuses on examining complexities in contemporary systems. While its diffusion to healthcare is recognised in national and international research, interest in its function to investigate and delineate causalities continues to develop. However, current reform highlights the relevance of collaborative partnerships in both organisational and research contexts.
Aims and Objectives: The objective for this research is two-fold: a systematic review of published health and social research literature on The Application of Systems Thinking Approaches to the Development of Integrated Care Services for Adults with Complex Care Needs. Subsequently, research findings were disseminated in a Knowledge Exchange Event to key stakeholders in the Company partner.
Methods: A systematic literature review was undertaken using structured searches of electronic databases and key search terms. Inquiry extracted national and international research-based literature that provided data to inform the research question.
Main Findings: Although a wealth of literature provided a theoretical application of systems thinking approaches, it was research-based evidence that contributed to data synthesis. A dominant finding from the systematic literature review indicates that implementing whole system change needs to address the relationship between vision, methods and participant dynamics. Four themes emerged from the review and represented dynamic behaviours in systems: Involving Stakeholders; Leadership; Sustainability; Governance and Transformation. Interpreted themes advanced transferable lessons that could inform policy and practice for the development of integrated health and social care services for adults with complex needs.
Conclusion: Findings established that while there is an evolving body of research into the application of systems thinking approaches in public services, its full immersion into investigations of organisational problems to provide meaningful learning opportunities remains emergent. In recognising the inherent relationship of the themes, the application of lessons learned calls for a re-framing of intervention approaches in order to fully appreciate the multi-level complexities of systems and advance the transfer of knowledge for thinking in systems.


Original languageEnglish
Awarding Institution
  • Diane Seddon (External person) (Supervisor)
  • Gill Toms (External person) (Supervisor)
Award date10 Jun 2021