Ysgol Gwyddorau Eigion

  1. Papur › Ymchwil › Heb ei adolygu gan gymheiriaid
  2. Cyhoeddwyd

    Spatial variation of biogeochemical properties of landfast sea ice in the Gulf of Bothnia (Baltic Sea).

    Steffens, M., Granskog, M. A., Kaartokallio, H., Kuosa, H., Papadimitriou, S. & Thomas, D. N., 1 Ion 2005.

    Allbwn ymchwil: Cyfraniad at gynhadleddPapur

  3. Cyhoeddwyd

    Spectral fitting techniques in turbid water

    Bowers, D. G., Kyte, E. & Mitchelson-Jacob, E. G., 19 Meh 2007, t. 061215-025.

    Allbwn ymchwil: Cyfraniad at gynhadleddPapur

  4. Cyhoeddwyd

    Spectral fitting techniques in turbid water.

    Bowers, D. G., Kyte, E. & Mitchelson-Jacob, E. G., 18 Meh 2007, t. 1-4.

    Allbwn ymchwil: Cyfraniad at gynhadleddPapur

  5. Cyhoeddwyd

    Spring organic matter and microbial dynamics at South Georgia, South Atlantic: comparison of a shelf versus an Oceanic site.

    Giannelli, V., Leakey, R., Thomas, D. N., Kennedy, H. A., Priddle, J. & Whitehouse, M. J., 1 Ion 2000.

    Allbwn ymchwil: Cyfraniad at gynhadleddPapur

  6. Cyhoeddwyd

    Stable carbon isotopes and carbon cycling in sediments from north-east Atlantic.

    Kennedy, H., Papadimitriou, S. & Thomas, D. N., 1 Ion 2000.

    Allbwn ymchwil: Cyfraniad at gynhadleddPapur

  7. Cyhoeddwyd

    Stomach contents and stable isotopes: trophic ecology of a carcharhinid and a sphyrnid off south east Africa.

    Hussey, N. E., McCarthy, I. D., Cliff, G. C., Dudley, S. F. & Fisk, A. T., 1 Ion 2008.

    Allbwn ymchwil: Cyfraniad at gynhadleddPapur

  8. Cyhoeddwyd

    Storm Induced Dissolved Organic Matter Release.

    Cork, L., Evans, C., Freeman, C., Thomas, D. N. & Reynolds, B., 1 Ion 2006.

    Allbwn ymchwil: Cyfraniad at gynhadleddPapur

  9. Cyhoeddwyd

    Storm Induced Dissolved Organic Matter Release.

    Cork, L., Evans, C., Freeman, C., Thomas, D. N. & Reynolds, B., 1 Ion 2006.

    Allbwn ymchwil: Cyfraniad at gynhadleddPapur

  10. Cyhoeddwyd

    Suspended and bedload dynamics in a tidally influenced river: the river Dyfi, Wales, UK.

    Brewer, P., Vericat, D., Baas, J. H., Jago, C. F., Brasington, J., Wheaton, J. M. & Causer, F., 1 Ion 2007.

    Allbwn ymchwil: Cyfraniad at gynhadleddPapur

  11. Cyhoeddwyd

    TDURE : A mathematical model for the duration of deposition from decelerating high-density turbidity currents.

    Baas, J. H., Van Dam, R. L. & Storms, J. E., 1 Ion 2000, t. 74-75.

    Allbwn ymchwil: Cyfraniad at gynhadleddPapur

  12. Cyhoeddwyd

    Temporal flow structure of an experimental particulate density current linked to textural variation of the resultant flume deposit.

    Barker, S., McCaffrey, B., Haughton, P., Baas, J. H. & Choux, C., 1 Ion 2004.

    Allbwn ymchwil: Cyfraniad at gynhadleddPapur

  13. Cyhoeddwyd

    Temporal patterns in the invertebrate assemblage associated with Corallina officinalis in tide pools.

    Bussell, J. A., Lucas, I. A. & Seed, R., 1 Ion 2001.

    Allbwn ymchwil: Cyfraniad at gynhadleddPapur

  14. Cyhoeddwyd
  15. Cyhoeddwyd

    The Behaviour of Dissolved Organic Matters During Sea Ice Formation.

    Giannelli, V., Thomas, D. N., Kennedy, H. A., Kattner, G., Dieckmann, G. S. & Haas, C., 1 Ion 2000.

    Allbwn ymchwil: Cyfraniad at gynhadleddPapur

  16. Cyhoeddwyd

    The Deep-Water Architecture Knowledge Base: Towards objective comparison of deep-marine sedimentary systems.

    Baas, J. H. & McCaffrey, W. D., 1 Ion 2006.

    Allbwn ymchwil: Cyfraniad at gynhadleddPapur

  17. Cyhoeddwyd

    The Hebridean Wave Model

    Christie, D., Venugopal, V., Vogler, A., Morrison, J., Greenwood, C. & Topper, M., 2014.

    Allbwn ymchwil: Cyfraniad at gynhadleddPapur

  18. Cyhoeddwyd

    The Welsh Torgoch (Salvelinus alpinus).

    McCarthy, I. D., 1 Ion 2004.

    Allbwn ymchwil: Cyfraniad at gynhadleddPapur

  19. Cyhoeddwyd

    The benefits of combining coupled wave-current models with SAR observations for the interpretation of ocean-surface currents.

    Macklin, T., Wolf, J., Wakelin, S., Gommenginger, C., Ferrier, G., Elliott, A. J. & Neill, S. P., 1 Ion 2006.

    Allbwn ymchwil: Cyfraniad at gynhadleddPapur

  20. Cyhoeddwyd

    The benefits of combining coupled wave-current models with SAR observations for the interpretation of ocean-surface currents.

    Macklin, T., Wolf, J., Wakelin, S., Gommenginger, C., Ferrier, G., Elliott, A. J. & Neill, S. P., 23 Ion 2006.

    Allbwn ymchwil: Cyfraniad at gynhadleddPapur

  21. Cyhoeddwyd

    The characteristics of dissolved organic matter in Baltic coastal sea ice and underlying waters: allochthonous or autochthonous origins.

    Stedmon, C. A., Thomas, D. N., Kaartokallio, H., Kuosa, H., Granskog, M. & Papadimitriou, S., 1 Ion 2007.

    Allbwn ymchwil: Cyfraniad at gynhadleddPapur

  22. Cyhoeddwyd

    The origin of Heinrich layers: evidence from H2 for European precursor events.

    Scourse, J. D., Hall, I. R., McCave, I. N., Young, J. R. & Sugdon, C., 1 Ion 2001.

    Allbwn ymchwil: Cyfraniad at gynhadleddPapur

  23. Cyhoeddwyd

    The origin of Heinrich layers: evidence from H2 for European precursor events.

    Scourse, J. D., Hall, I. R., McCave, I. N., Young, J. R. & Sugdon, C., 1 Ion 2001.

    Allbwn ymchwil: Cyfraniad at gynhadleddPapur

  24. Cyhoeddwyd

    The population biology of the thornback ray, Raja clavata L., in Caernarfon Bay, North Wales.

    Whittamore, J. M. & McCarthy, I. D., 1 Ion 2004.

    Allbwn ymchwil: Cyfraniad at gynhadleddPapur

  25. Cyhoeddwyd

    The precipitation of calcium carbonate as ikaite crystals in Antarctic sea ice; implications.

    Dieckmann, G. S., Nehrke, G., Gottlicher, J., Steininger, R., Papadimitriou, S., Kennedy, H. A. & Thomas, D. N., 1 Ion 2009.

    Allbwn ymchwil: Cyfraniad at gynhadleddPapur

  26. Cyhoeddwyd

    The present status of Arctic charr Salvelinus alpinus in the UK and Ireland.

    Maitland, P. S., Winfield, I. J., McCarthy, I. D. & Igoe, F., 1 Ion 2004.

    Allbwn ymchwil: Cyfraniad at gynhadleddPapur