Professor Jamie Macdonald
Dolenni cyswllt
Contact info
Phone: +44 1248 38 3272
Twitter: @sportscimac
Instagram: @jamiehugomacdonald
Brief bio:
After graduating with a Sport Science degree and working as freelance Outdoor Activities Instructor for some years, I returned to academia to complete my PhD in clinical exercise physiology. I am now a Professor in Sport and Exercise Science within the School of Psychology and Sport Science at Bangor University (
I teach and complete research and impact activities in two distinct areas: i) physical activity to prevent and treat chronic disease; and ii) how to enhance health and performance in high altitude environments.
Bangor Imaging UNit - 3 T MRI scanner
Paul Mullins (Rheolwr), Richard Binney (Arall), Patricia Bestelmeyer (Arall), Paul Downing (Arall), Ekaterina Kornysheva (Arall), Kenneth Valyear (Arall), Kami Koldewyn (Arall), Richard Ramsey (Arall), Giovanni d'Avossa (Arall), David Carey (Arall), Rebecca Henderson (Arall), Gabriella Rossetti (Arall), Samuel Oliver (Arall) & Jamie Macdonald (Arall)
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