1. 2006
  2. Cyhoeddwyd

    Recycling of Wood Ash to Forests in the UK

    Walmsley, J. D., Jones, D. L. & Healey, J. R., 1 Medi 2006.

    Allbwn ymchwil: Cyfraniad at gynhadleddPapur

  3. Cyhoeddwyd

    Recycling of Wood Ash to Forests: Application to PAWS Sites

    Pitman, R., Walmsley, J. D., Healey, J. R. & Jones, D. A., 1 Medi 2006.

    Allbwn ymchwil: Cyfraniad at gynhadleddPapur

  4. Cyhoeddwyd

    Recycling of Wood Ash to Forests: Application to PAWS Sites

    Pitman, R., Walmsley, J. D., Healey, J. R. & Jones, D. L., 1 Medi 2006.

    Allbwn ymchwil: Cyfraniad at gynhadleddPapur

  5. Cyhoeddwyd

    Recycling of wood ash to forests in North Wales, UK.

    Walmsley, J. D., Healey, J. R. & Jones, D. L., 30 Mai 2006, t. 347-351.

    Allbwn ymchwil: Cyfraniad at gynhadleddPapur

  6. Cyhoeddwyd

    Pathogen survival patterns in waste-derived composts destined for land restoration

    Williamson, J. C., Holmberg, J., Nason, M. A., Tandy, S., Jones, R., Healey, J. R. & Jones, D. L., 1 Ion 2006, t. 733-738.

    Allbwn ymchwil: Cyfraniad at gynhadleddPapur

  7. Cyhoeddwyd

    Pathogen survival patterns in waste-derived composts destined for land restoration

    Williamson, J. C., Holmberg, J., Nason, M. A., Tandy, S., Jones, R., Healey, J. R., Jones, D. L., Vegh, B. (gol.) & Royle, J. (gol.), 1 Ion 2006, Proceedings of Waste 2006: sustainable waste and resource management, Stratford-upon-Avon, Warwickshire. 2006 gol. The Waste Conference Limited, t. 733-738

    Allbwn ymchwil: Pennod mewn Llyfr/Adroddiad/Trafodion CynhadleddPennod

  8. Cyhoeddwyd

    Physical and chemical characteristics of composted wastes can be altered to make them suitable for large scale habitat creation

    Nason, M. A., Tandy, S., Williamson, J. C., Farrell, M., Healey, J. R., Jones, D. L., Vegh, B. (gol.) & Royle, J. (gol.), 1 Ion 2006, Proceedings of Waste 2006: sustainable waste and resource management, Stratford-upon-Avon, Warwickshire. 2006 gol. The Waste Conference Limited, t. 739-744

    Allbwn ymchwil: Pennod mewn Llyfr/Adroddiad/Trafodion CynhadleddPennod

  9. Cyhoeddwyd

    Recycling of wood ash to forests in North Wales, UK.

    Walmsley, J. D., Healey, J. R. & Jones, D. L., 1 Ion 2006, Proceedings of Second World Bioenergy Conference, 30 May-1 June 2006, Jönköping, Sweden. 2006 gol. Swedish Bioenergy Association, t. 347-351

    Allbwn ymchwil: Pennod mewn Llyfr/Adroddiad/Trafodion CynhadleddPennod

  10. 2005
  11. Cyhoeddwyd

    Hurricane disturbance accelerates invasion by the alien tree Pittosporum undulatum in Jamaican rain forests.

    Bellingham, P. J., Tanner, E. V. & Healey, J. R., 1 Rhag 2005, Yn: Journal of Vegetation Science. 16, 6, t. 675-684

    Allbwn ymchwil: Cyfraniad at gyfnodolynErthygladolygiad gan gymheiriaid

  12. Cyhoeddwyd

    Predicting species response to disturbance from size class distributions of adults and saplings in a Jamaican tropical dry forest.

    McLaren, K. P., McDonald, M. A., Hall, J. B. & Healey, J. R., 1 Tach 2005, Yn: Plant Ecology. 181, 1, t. 69-84

    Allbwn ymchwil: Cyfraniad at gyfnodolynErthygladolygiad gan gymheiriaid