Dr Panagiotis D. Ritsos

Uwch Darlithydd mewn Delweddu

Contact info

MEng PhD Essex, PgCert, FHEA

Visualization, Data, Modelling and Graphics (VDMG) research group, XReality, Visualization and Analytics (XRVA) lab

Office: Room 326, Dean Street 

My research interests revolve around he domain of human-computer interaction (HCI) and include mixed/augmented and virtual reality (XR), information visualization (InfoVis), and visual analytics (VA). You can find more information below, in the research interests section.

I am particularly interested in potential synergies between these fields within different flavours of human-data interaction, such as beyond-the-desktop visualization and immersive and situated analytics.

The above research topics can be explored in a variety of application domains, including Ocean Sciences, Environmental Sciences, Nuclear Sciences, Cultural Heritage, Learning and Education, Transport and Computer Games. 

  1. Heritage models, heritage visualisation of prehistory and at-risk sites in Wales including Maid of Harlech

    Roberts, J. (Cyfranogwr), Ritsos, P. (Cyfranogwr), Mearman, J. (Cyfranogwr), Karl, R. (Cyfranogwr), (Cyfranogwr), (Cyfranogwr), Tiddeman, B. (Cyfranogwr), (Cyfranogwr), (Cyfranogwr), Griffiths, S. M. (Cyfranogwr), Labrosse, F. (Cyfranogwr) & Ben, E. (Cyfranogwr)

    Effaith: Diwilliannol, Cymdeithasol, Technegol, Amgylchedd

  2. Project Rainbow

    Roberts, J. (Cyfranogwr), Roberts, D. (Cyfranogwr), Ritsos, P. (Cyfranogwr), Gray, C. (Cyfranogwr), Mearman, J. (Cyfranogwr) & Butcher, P. (Cyfranogwr)

    Effaith: Technegol, Cymdeithasol