Destructive Fishing: an expert-driven definition and exploration of this quasi-concept

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  • Arlie Hannah McCarthy
    Institute of Criminology, University of Cambridge, Cambridge
  • Daniel Steadman
    Fauna and Flora, cambridge.
  • Hannah Richardson
    Fauna and Flora, cambridge.
  • Jack Murphy
    Fauna and Flora, cambridge.
  • Sophie Benbow
    Fauna and Flora, cambridge.
  • Joshua I. Brian
    Institute of Criminology, University of Cambridge, Cambridge
  • Holly Brooks
    UN Environment Programme World Conservation Monitoring Centre (UNEP-WCMC), Cambridge
  • Giulia Costa-Domingo
    UN Environment Programme World Conservation Monitoring Centre (UNEP-WCMC), Cambridge
  • Carolina Hazin
    The Nature Conservancy
  • Chris McOwen
    UN Environment Programme World Conservation Monitoring Centre (UNEP-WCMC), Cambridge
  • Jessica Walker
    Australian Marine Conservation Society
  • David Willer
    Institute of Criminology, University of Cambridge, Cambridge
  • Mohamad Abdi
    Destructive Fishing Watch Indonesia
  • Peter J. Auster
    Human Performance Laboratory, University of Connecticut
  • Roy Bealey
    Pelagic Fisheries Consulting Ltd
  • Robert Bensted-Smith
    Talking Transformation Ltd
  • Kathryn Broadburn
    Maris Seafoods Ltd
  • Goncalo Carvalho
    Incubadora de Empresas da Universidade do Algarve
  • Tom Collinson
    Blue Ventures, Bristol
  • Bolanle Erinosho
    University of Derby
  • Michael Fabinyi
    University of Technology, Sydney
  • Senia Febrica
    University of Strathclyde
  • Wilson Ngwa Forbi
    Global Aid for Africa
  • Sege M. Garcia
    IUCN Fisheries Expert Group
  • David Goad
    Vita Maris
  • Lynda Goldsworthy
    Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies
  • Hugh Govan
    University of the South Pacific,
  • Charles Heaphy
    Sealord Group Ltd
  • Jan Geert Hiddink
  • Gilles Hosch
    Diatom Consulting Ltd
  • Daniel Kachelriess
    Independent Expert, Vienna
  • Jeff Kinch
    Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations, samoa
  • Alana Malinde S. N. Lancaster
    University of the West Indies
  • Frederic Le Manach
  • Thomas Matthews
    Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission
  • Alfonso Medellin-Ortiz
    Independent expert, Mexico
  • Alexia Morgan
    Sustainable Fisheries Partnership, Hawaii
  • Helena Motta
  • Hilario Marua
    International Seafood Sustainability Foundation, Pittsburgh
  • Naveen Namboothri
    Dakshin Foundation
  • Evelyne Ndiritu
    Coastal Oceans Research and Development in the Indian Ocea
  • Kelvin Passfield
    Te Ipukarea Society
  • Nicolas J. Pilcher
    Marine Research Foundation, Malaysia
  • James O. Portus
    Chair Scallop Industry Consultation Group
  • James M. Rguez-Baron
    JUSTSEA Foundation
  • Morvern Robertson
    Esmée Fairbairn Foundation
  • Abhilasha Sharma
    Dakshin Foundation
  • Cristian G. Suazo
    BirdLife International
  • Leandro Luis Tamini
    Programa Marino
  • Juan Vilata-Simon
    Independent expert, Spain
  • Nibedita Mukherjee
    Brunel University
Numerous policy and international frameworks consider that ‘destructive fishing’ hampers efforts to reach sustainability goals. Though ubiquitous, ‘destructive fishing’ is undefined and therefore currently immeasurable. Here we propose a definition developed through expert consultation: “Destructive fishing is any fishing practice that causes irrecoverable habitat degradation, or which causes significant adverse environmental impacts, results in long-term declines in target or non-target species beyond biologically safe limits and has negative livelihood impacts.” We show strong stakeholder support for a definition, consensus on many biological and ecological dimensions, and no clustering of respondents from different sectors. Our consensus definition is a significant step towards defining sustainable fisheries goals and will help interpret and implement global political commitments which utilise the term 'destructive fishing'. Our definition and results will help reinforce the FAO Code of Conduct and meaningfully support member countries to prohibit destructive fishing practices.


Iaith wreiddiolSaesneg
CyfnodolynConservation Letters
Rhif y cyfnodolyn3
Dyddiad ar-lein cynnar28 Maw 2024
Dynodwyr Gwrthrych Digidol (DOIs)
StatwsCyhoeddwyd - 28 Maw 2024
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