The programme aims to provide students with detailed knowledge and expertise that are directly relevant to the work of a modern forest manager and those working in associated disciplines, focusing on scientific, academic, and practical principles which underpin forest management, conservation, ecosystem function and livelihoods. The part-time nature of the MSc enables students to study alongside other work or personal commitments.
As part of the review into the outcomes and impact of the Commonwealth Distance Learning Programme, in-depth interviews were conducted with Dr James
Walmsley, Senior Lecturer in Forestry at Bangor University, Dr Ernest Foli, Principal Research Scientist at the Forestry Research Institute of Ghana (which
partnered with Bangor University in delivering the Distance Learning programme), Edwin Hara, a 2019 Commonwealth Distance Learning Scholar and Dan Ndalowa, the Scholar’s Employer at the Malawi College for Forestry and Wildlife. They all shared their experiences of participating in the Commonwealth Distance Learning Programme.


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