Toward Inclusive Fieldwork and Communities of Practice in Physical Geography and Environmental Science: experiences from the CULTIVATE team in the UK.

Allbwn ymchwil: Pennod mewn Llyfr/Adroddiad/Trafodion CynhadleddPennodadolygiad gan gymheiriaid

CULTIVATE was a UK-based research project, with the aim of ‘growing an inclusive teaching environment’. Field-based teaching has been viewed as neither inclusive nor accessible to all participants (e.g. people with disabilities or neurodiversity) and educators and institutions (higher education providers) acknowledged this. CULTIVATE engaged with academics and stakeholders via focus groups, and a workshop to explore the issues surrounding barriers to field-based teaching to address diversity, equality, inclusivity and justice (JEDI). Our Community of Practice co-developed a 10-point guide for educators to help them consider the issues and introduce actionable solutions into their everyday teaching practice. To bring about systematic change, we need co-creation and co-operation driven by grassroot actions (students and academics) and top-down (institutional and regulatory) initiatives to support and enable change, such as through the introduction of Charters awarded for Race and Equality, and via guidelines introduced from academic standards oversight bodies and learned societies.
Iaith wreiddiolSaesneg
TeitlHow to Foster Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Justice in Geography.
GolygyddionGuo Chen, LaToya Eaves
CyhoeddwrEdward Elgar Publishing Ltd
ISBN (Argraffiad)978 1 03531 075 3
StatwsWedi ei Dderbyn / Yn y wasg - 30 Medi 2024

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