[Pre-Aug 2018] Healthcare Sciences
Adolesents andyoung adults as caregivers for a parent with a neurological condition
Masterson Algar, P. (PI)
1/09/17 → 1/08/19
Project: Research
An evaluation of the implementation process of clinical competencies in tissue viability nursing practice
1/09/08 → 5/08/09
Project: Research
CASTLE (Changing agendas on sleep, treatment & learning in epilepsy)
Hughes, D. (PI)
1/05/17 → 31/10/24
Project: Research
Can hygiene-therapists improve oral health of routine low-risk dental recall patients
1/10/17 → 31/01/21
Project: Research
Cerdd a Chan Pilot evaluation - dementia and community music research project
Jones, C. H. (PI)
1/03/17 → 31/01/18
Project: Research
Clinical Development of an Ultrasensitive OCT Device to Improve the Management of Eye Disease
Edwards, R. T. (PI)
1/11/17 → 1/08/22
Project: Research
Co-creating a resilience building framework for people living with dementia and their carers
Windle, G. (PI)
1/01/18 → 1/08/22
Project: Research
Cost of illness study for Neuromyelitis optica (NMO)
Hughes, D. (PI)
1/04/17 → 1/08/19
Project: Research
EMPoWER: Cost-effectiveness of earlier provision of powered wheelchair interventions for children with mobility limitations
Bray, N. (PI)
1/04/18 → 1/08/22
Project: Research
Created out of mind:changing perceptions of dementia through art & culture
Windle, G. (PI)
3/10/16 → 1/08/19
Project: Research
Created out of mind:changing perceptions of dementia through art & culture
Windle, G. (PI)
3/10/16 → 1/08/19
Project: Research
Creating and Promoting 'Health Services Research with Impact' in Wales
1/08/17 → 1/08/19
Project: Research
De-implementation across health service and delivery: what works, for whom, why? A Realist Synthesis
1/12/17 → 1/08/22
Project: Research
Developing a protocol and conducting a sample of the UK population, to measure changing public attitudes to epilepsy and people with epilepsy
Holmes, E. (PI)
1/03/18 → 1/08/19
Project: Research
Developing a repurposed medicine for Duchenne muscular dystrophy
Hughes, D. (PI)
1/08/17 → 1/08/19
Project: Research
Evaluation of Psychosocial Support of the transition to retirement’ (Evaluation of TILL Phase 2)
Windle, G. (PI)
1/12/17 → 1/08/19
Project: Research
Evaluation of a Public Health Wales’ national physical activity hour initiative
Ford, K. (PI)
1/06/18 → 15/04/25
Project: Research
Evaluation of the implementation of the HMP Berwyn Medicines Management Policy.
Poole, R. (PI)
1/04/18 → 15/11/20
Project: Research