Professional Services
Kressman, Rosemary
- Estates Management - Horticultural Technician - Treborth Botanic Garden
Person: Support
Lam, Wing
- International Education Centre - Executive Dean Bangor College China and Director of International Relations
Person: Professional
Marshall, Emma
- DARO, Communications & Web - Head of Development & Alumni Relations
Person: Professional
McCann, Tim
- Marketing, Communications and Recruitment (Directorate) - Director of Campaigns and Brand Marketing
Person: Professional
Monks, Ffion
- UK Recruitment and Admissions - Senior UK Recruitment Marketing Officer
Person: Professional
Monple, Sergine
- International Education Centre - Interim Director of Global Engagement
Person: Professional
Mullin, Michelle
- Strategy, Projects and Planning - Research Excellence Framework (Ref) Administrator
Person: Support
Murchie, Patricia
- Marketing, Communications and Recruitment (Directorate) - Chief Marketing Officer
Person: Professional
Niebrzydowski, Sue
- School of Arts, Culture and Language - Professor in Medieval Literature / Director of Research Postgraduate Studies
- Vice Chancellor's Office - Dean of Postgraduate Research
Person: Academic