Professional Services
Pritchard, Gillian
- Student Services and Administration (Directorate) - Student Administration Manager
Person: Professional
Pritchard Robinson, Aimee
- Marketing, Communications and Recruitment (Directorate) - UK Admissions and Programme Manager
Person: Professional
Prys, Gruff
- Canolfan Bedwyr - Senior Terminologist, Head of the Language Technologies Unit
- School of Arts, Culture and Language
Person: Research, Professional
Pugh, Rose
- School of Environmental & Natural Sciences
- Students' Union - Vice-President (Education & Welfare)
- Molecular Ecology and Evolution at Bangor
Person: Support, Master of Science
Pye, Jenny
- Welsh 4 Adults - Tiwtor dysgu Cymraeg
- Canolfan Bedwyr - Tiwtor Cymraeg i Staff
Person: Support, Academic
Ratcliffe, Cassie
- International Education Centre - International Pathway and English Language Coordinator
Person: Support
Roberts, Bethan
- Digital Services - Corporate System and Departmental Support Clerical Officer
Person: Support
Roberts, Carwyn
- International Education Centre - Senior International Recruitment Officer
Person: Professional
Roberts, Ffion
- International Education Centre - International Recruitment Support Officer
Person: Support
Roberts, Jan
- Student Services and Administration (Directorate) - Personal Assistant/Office Manager
Person: Support
Roberts, Sabine
- International Education Centre - International Admissions Officer
Person: Professional