School of Ocean Sciences

  1. Published

    Spatial management of scallop dredging: Consequences for the recovery of benthic communities

    Kaiser, M. J., Hiddink, J. G. & Shephard, S., Dec 2007, In: Journal of Shellfish Research. 26, 4, p. 1318-1319

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  2. Published

    Demersal fish and epifauna associated with sandbank habitats

    Kaiser, M. J., Bergmann, M., Hinz, H., Galanidi, M., Shucksmith, R., Rees, E., Darbyshire, T. & Ramsay, K., 1 Jul 2004, In: Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science. 60, 3, p. 445-456

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  3. Published

    Fish in deep-water coral habitats.

    Kaiser, M. J., 11 Jun 2004, In: Science. 304, 5677, p. 1595-1595

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  4. Published

    The implications of the effects of fishing on non-target species and habitats

    Kaiser, M. J., Kaiser, M. J. (ed.) & De Groot, S. J. (ed.), 1 Jan 2000, The effects of trawling on non–target species and habitats: biological: conservation and socio–economic issues. 2000 ed. Blackwell Science, p. 383-392

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapter

  5. Published

    Review: Fish Habitat. [Ed. L. Benaka]. Symposium of the American Fisheries Society, No. 22, Bethesda, Maryland

    Kaiser, M. J., 1 Sept 2000, In: Fish and Fisheries. 1, 3, p. 275-276

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  6. Published

    Long-term habitat changes and their implications for future fisheries management

    Kaiser, M. J., Collie, J. S., Hall, S. J., Poiner, I. R., Wefer, G. (ed.), Lamy, F. (ed.) & Mantoura, F. (ed.), 1 Jan 2003, Marine Science Frontiers for Europe. 2003 ed. Springer Verlag, p. 190-201

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapter

  7. Published

    Distribution and behaviour of Common Scoter, Melanitta nigra, relative to prey resources and environmental parameters.

    Kaiser, M. J., Galanidi, M., Showler, D. A., Elliott, A. J., Caldow, R. W., Rees, E. I., Stillman, R. A. & Sutherland, W. J., 1 Mar 2006, In: Ibis. 148, Supplement 1, p. 110-128

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  8. Published

    Modification of marine habitats by trawling activities: prognosis and solutions.

    Kaiser, M. J., Collie, J. S., Hall, S. J., Jennings, S. & Poiner, I. R., 1 Jun 2002, In: Fish and Fisheries. 3, 2, p. 114-136

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  9. Published

    Ecosystem-sensitive approaches to fishing: reconciling fisheries with conservation through improvements in fishing technology .

    Kaiser, M. J., Graham, N., Rose, C. S. & Wiebe, P. H., 1 Nov 2007, In: ICES Journal of Marine Science. 64, 8, p. 1610-1611

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  10. Published

    Marine Ecology: Processes, Systems, and Impacts

    Kaiser, M., Attrill, M., Jennings, S., Thomas, D. N., Barnes, D., Brierley, A. S., Polunin, N., Raffaelli, D. & Williams, P. J., 1 Jan 2005, 2005 ed. Oxford University Press.

    Research output: Book/ReportBook

  11. Published

    European Biodiversity Action Plan for fisheries: issues for non-target species.

    Kaiser, M. J., Austen, M. C. & Ojaveer, H., 1 Aug 2004, In: Fisheries Research. 69, 1, p. 1-6

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  12. Published

    Are Marine Protected Areas a red herring or fisheries panacea?

    Kaiser, M. J., 1 May 2005, In: Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. 62, 5, p. 1194-1199

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  13. Published

    Resource degradation: a subtle effect of bottom fishing

    Kaiser, M. J., Hinz, H., Callaway, R. M., Nall, A. & Biles, C. L., 1 Jan 2005, In: Marine Biology. 146, 2, p. 401-408

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  14. Published

    Habitat modification

    Kaiser, M. J., Hall, S. J., Thomas, D. N., Robinson, A. L. (ed.) & Brink, K. H. (ed.), 1 Jan 2005, The Sea: Volume 13. 2005 ed. Harvard University Press, p. 927-970

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapter

  15. Published

    Prioritization of knowledge-needs to achieve best practices for bottom trawling in relation to seabed habitats

    Kaiser, M. J., Hilborn, R., Jennings, S., Amaroso, R., Andersen, M., Balliet, K., Barratt, E., Bergstad, O. A., Bishop, S., Bostrom, J. L., Boyd, C., Bruce, E. A., Burden, M., Carey, C., Clermont, J., Collie, J. S., Delahunty, A., Dixon, J., Eayrs, S., Edwards, N., Fujita, R., Gauvin, J., Gleason, M., Harris, B., He, P., Hiddink, J. G., Hughes, K. M., Inostroza, M., Kenny, A., Kritzer, J., Kuntzsch, V., Lasta, M., Lopez, I., Loveridge, C., Lynch, D., Masters, J., Mazor, T., McConnaughey, R. A., Moenne, M., Francis, Nimick, A. M., Olsen, A., Parker, D., Parma, A., Penney, C., Pierce, D., Pitcher, R., Pol, M., Richardson, E., Rijnsdorp, A. D., Rilatt, S., Rodmell, D. P., Rose, C., Sethi, S. A., Short, K., Suuronen, P., Taylor, E., Wallace, S., Webb, L., Wickham, E., Wilding, S. R., Wilson, A., Winger, P. & Sutherland, W. J., Sept 2016, In: Fish and Fisheries. 17, 3, p. 637-663

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  16. Published

    Disturbance of intertidal soft-sediment benthic communities by cockle hand raking.

    Kaiser, M. J., Broad, G. & Hall, S. J., 1 May 2001, In: Journal of Sea Research. 45, 2, p. 119-130

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  17. Published

    Ecosystem effects of fishing

    Kaiser, M. J., Jennings, S., Hart, P. J. (ed.) & Reynolds, J. D. (ed.), 1 Jan 2002, Handbook of Fish Biology and Fisheries: v.2. 2002 ed. Blackwell Science, p. 342-366

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapter

  18. Published

    Food subsidies from fisheries to continental shelf benthic scavengers.

    Kaiser, M. J. & Hiddink, J. G., 22 Nov 2007, In: Marine Ecology Progress Series. 350, p. 267-276

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  19. Published

    Detecting the effects of fishing on seabed community diversity: the importance of scale and sample size.

    Kaiser, M. J., 1 Apr 2003, In: Conservation Biology. 17, 2, p. 512-520

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  20. Published

    The effects of fishing on non-target species and habitats: biological, conservation and socio-economic issues

    Kaiser, M. J. (ed.) & De Groot, J. (ed.), 1 Jan 2000, 2000 ed. Blackwell Science.

    Research output: Book/ReportBook

  21. Published

    Marine protected areas: the importance of being earnest.

    Kaiser, M. J., 1 Nov 2004, In: Aquatic Conservation - Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems. 14, 6, p. 635-638

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  22. Published

    Global analysis of response and recovery of benthic biota to fishing.

    Kaiser, M. J., Clarke, K. R., Hinz, H., Austen, M. C., Somerfield, P. J. & Karakassis, I., 1 Apr 2006, In: Marine Ecology Progress Series. 311, p. 1-14

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  23. Published

    Marine Ecology: Processes Systems and Impacts

    Kaiser, M., Attrill, M. J., Jennings, S., Thomas, D. N., Barnes, D. K. A., Brierley, A. S., Hiddink, J. G., Kaartokallio, H., Polunin, N. V. C. & Raffaelli, D. G., 21 Jul 2011, 2 ed. Oxford: Oxford: OUP. 528 p.

    Research output: Book/ReportBook

  24. Published

    Fishing–gear restrictions and conservation of benthic habitat complexity

    Kaiser, M. J., Spence, F. E. & Hart, P. J., 1 Oct 2000, In: Conservation Biology. 14, 5, p. 1512-1525

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  25. Published

    The role of ecolabeling in fisheries management and conservation.

    Kaiser, M. J. & Edwards-Jones, G., 1 Apr 2006, In: Conservation Biology. 20, 2, p. 392-398

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  26. Published

    Introduction to papers on fish welfare in commercial fisheries.

    Kaiser, M. J. & Huntingford, F. A., 1 Dec 2009, In: Journal of Fish Biology. 75, 10, p. 2852-2854

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  27. Published

    Recovery linked to life history of sessile epifauna following exclusion of towed-mobile fishing gear

    Kaiser, M., Hormbrey, S., Booth, J. R., Hinz, H. & Hiddink, J., May 2018, In: Journal of Applied Ecology. 55, 3, p. 1060-1070

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  28. Published

    Review: Bigelow and Schroeder’s Fishes of the Gulf of Maine

    Kaiser, M. J., 1 Dec 2003, In: Fish and Fisheries. 4, 4, p. 372

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  29. Published

    Ecological effects of shellfish cultivation

    Kaiser, M. J. & Black, K. (ed.), 1 Jan 2001, Environmental Impacts of Aquaculture. 2001 ed. Sheffield University Press, p. 51-75

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapter

  30. Published

    An ecosystem perspective on conserving targeted and non-targeted species

    Kaiser, M. J., Jennings, S., Reynolds, J. D. (ed.), Mace, G. M. (ed.), Redford, K. H. (ed.) & Robinson, J. G. (ed.), 1 Jan 2001, Conservation of Exploited Species. 2001 ed. Cambridge University Press, p. 341-369

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapter

  31. Published

    Would you share your knowledge of grounds?

    Kaiser, M. J., 1 Feb 2000, In: Fishing News International. p. 26

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  32. Published

    Evidence for greater reproductive output per unit area in areas protected from fishing.

    Kaiser, M. J., Blyth-Skyrme, R. E., Hart, P. J., Edwards-Jones, G. & Palmer, D., 1 Sept 2007, In: Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. 64, 9, p. 1284-1289

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  33. Published

    Genome sequences of Beet curly top Iran virus, Oat dwarf virus, Turnip curly top virus, and wheat dwarf virus identified in leafhoppers

    Kamali, M., Heydarnejad, J., Pouramini, N., Masumi, H., Farkas, K., Kraberger, S. & Varsani, A., 23 Feb 2017, In: Genome Announcements. 5, 8, e01674-16.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  34. Published

    Ontogenetic change in digestive enzyme activity during larval development of Macrobrachium rosenbergii

    Kamarudin, M. S., Jones, D. A., le Vay, L. & Abidin, A. Z., 1994, In: Aquaculture. 123, 3-4, p. 323-333 11 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  35. Published

    Blue mussel hatchery technology in Europe

    Kamermans, P., Galley, T., Boudry, P., Fuentes, J., McCombie, H., Batista, F. M., Blanco, A., Dominguez, L., Cornette, F., Pincot, L. & Beaumont, A., Feb 2013, Advances in Aquaculture Hatchery Technology. Allan, G. & Burnell, G. (eds.). Woodhead Publishing Ltd, p. 339-373

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapter

  36. Published

    Response of estuarine free-living nematode assemblages to organic enrichment: an experimental approach

    Kandratavicius, N., de Ward, C. P., Venturini, N., Gimenez Noya, J., Rodriguez, M. & Muniz, P., 23 Aug 2018, In: Marine Ecology Progress Series. 602, p. 117-133

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  37. Published

    Meiobenthic communities in permanently open estuaries and open/closed coastal lagoons of Uruguay (Atlantic coast of South America)

    Kandratavicius, N., Muniz, P., Venturini, N. & Gimenez, L., 23 May 2015, In: Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science. 163, part B, p. 44-53

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  38. Published

    Field Investigations of Scour Around Scaled Piles in a Region of Wave Breaking : Hydrodynamic Field Investigations on Scour around Piles

    Kannapiran, T. & Neill, S., Apr 2023.

    Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review

  39. Published

    Numerical Simulation of Tsunami waves on the beach with a large, inclined bottom

    Kannapiran, T., 22 Apr 2012, NASA Simithsonian: NASA Astrophysics Data System .

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionpeer-review

  40. Published

    A Comprehensive Assessment of Climate Change and Coastal Inundation through Satellite-Derived Datasets: A Case Study of Sabang Island, Indonesia

    Kantamaneni, K., Christie, D., Lyddon, C., Huang, P., Nizar, M., Balasubramani, K., Ravichandran, V., Prasad, K. A., Pushparaj, R. R. B., Robins, P. & Panneer, S., 15 Jun 2022, In: Remote Sensing. 14, 12, 2857.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  41. Published

    Global carbon cycle (communication arising): Metabolic balance in the open sea.

    Karl, D. M., Laws, E. A., Morris, P., Williams, P. J. & Emerson, S., 1 Nov 2003, In: Nature. 426, 6962, p. 323-326

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  42. Published

    Identification of growth increments in the shell of the bivalve mollusc Arctica islandica using backscattered electron imaging

    Karney, G. B., Butler, P. G., Scourse, J. D., Richardson, C. A., Lau, K. A., Czernuszka, J. T. & Grovenor, C. R., 27 May 2010, In: Journal of Microscopy. 241, 1, p. 29-36

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  43. Published

    Characterizing the microstructure of Arctica islandica shells using NanoSIMS and EBSD

    Karney, G. B., Butler, P. G., Speller, S., Scourse, J. D., Richardson, C. A., Schröder, M., Hughes, G. M., Czernuszka, J. T. & Grovenor, C. R., 7 Apr 2012, In: Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems. 13, p. Q04002

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  44. Published

    Prey vulnerability and predation pressure shape predator-induced changes in O-2 consumption and antipredator behaviour

    Karythis, S., Cornwell, T., Gimenez Noya, L., McCarthy, I., Whiteley, N. & Jenkins, S., 1 Sept 2020, In: Animal Behaviour. 167, p. 13-22

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  45. Published

    Effect of the Earth's rotation on the circulation in regions of freshwater influence.

    Kasai, A., Hill, A. E., Fujiwara, T. & Simpson, J. H., 15 Jul 2000, In: Journal of Geophysical Research - Oceans. 105, C7, p. 16961-16969

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  46. Published

    Circulation and cold dome in a gulf-type ROFI.

    Kasai, A., Fujiwara, T., Simpson, J. H. & Kakehi, S., 1 Jul 2002, In: Continental Shelf Research. 22, 11-13, p. 1579-1590

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  47. Published

    Evidence for enhanced late-stage larval quality, not survival, through maternal carry-over effects in a space monopolizing barnacle

    Kasten, P., Jenkins, S., Tremblay, R. & Flores, A., Mar 2019, In: Hydrobiologia. 830, 1, p. 277-286

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  48. Published

    Surface ice and gap layers in Antarctic sea ice: highly productive habitats.

    Kattner, G., Thomas, D. N., Haas, C., Kennedy, H. A. & Dieckmann, G. S., 16 Aug 2004, In: Marine Ecology Progress Series. 277, p. 1-12

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  49. Published

    Intercontinental test of generality for spatial patterns among diverse molluscan assemblages in coralline algal turf.

    Kelaher, B. P., Castilla, J. C. & Seed, R., 1 Apr 2004, In: Marine Ecology Progress Series. 271, p. 221-231

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  50. Published

    Passive sediment filling of U-shaped animal burrows.

    Kellman, P., Baas, J. H., Best, J. L. & Uchman, A., 1 Jan 2004.

    Research output: Contribution to conferencePaper