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  1. Vitamin D supplements may reduce the duration of the common cold

    Sophie Harrison, Sam Oliver & Neil P. Walsh


    1 Media contribution

    Press/Media: Other

  2. Chanukah

    Nathan Abrams


    1 Media contribution

    Press/Media: Expert Comment

  3. This Ocean Invaded Its Neighbor Earlier Than Anyone Thought

    Yueng-Djern Lenn


    1 Media contribution

    Press/Media: Expert Comment

  4. Atlantic Ocean water began warming the Arctic as early as 1907

    Yueng-Djern Lenn


    1 Media contribution

    Press/Media: Expert Comment

  5. Rhaglen Dei Tomos

    Elis Dafydd


    1 Media contribution

    Press/Media: Expert Comment

  6. Why do tomatoes get hit by blight and how can you stop it?

    Katherine Steele


    1 Media contribution

    Press/Media: Expert Comment

  7. COP26: Tywydd eithafol, sychder, llifogydd a thanau

    Sophie Ward


    1 Media contribution

    Press/Media: Expert Comment

  8. BBC Radio 4's 'In Our Time' - episode on Coral Reefs

    Gareth Williams


    1 Media contribution

    Press/Media: Expert Comment