BU-IIA Funded Project: Assessing the bidirectional risk of human-primate interactions in a rural tourist hotspot in Zanzibar


This proposal outlines how the research expertise of members of the ZRCP and our track-record of working with the Zanzibar red colobus will be leveraged to deliver impact in the form of a policy briefing paper for the Zanzibari government, and how that activity in turn will be the focus of a programme of public engagement initiatives in North Wales and beyond. Translating research into policy on the topic of wildlife-human interactions will be impactful beyond the Zanzibari context given the significant increase in anthropogenic encroachment on the habitat of primates and other wildlife around the world and the growing need to find solutions for co-existence.

Funding awarded through the Bangor University Innovation and Impact Award (Research Wales Innovation Funding). Value = £34,990
1 Aug 202331 Jul 2024

External organisation (Government)

Country/TerritoryUnited Kingdom

External organisation (Government)

Country/TerritoryUnited Kingdom