Darlith Hanes bore Dydd Sadwrn: ‘Pa lanast yw peilonau?’ Tir, iaith ac atomfeydd ym Mhen Llŷn c.1936-1969 // 'What a mess are pylons?' Land, language and nuclear power plants in Pen Llŷn c.1936-1969.


Bydd y ddarlith hon yn bwrw golwg ar arwyddocâd Pen Llŷn a’i thirlun i ddelfrydau o Gymreictod a gwledigrwydd yn ystod canol yr 20fed ganrif, gan ganolbwyntio’n arbennig ar y trafodaethau yn ystod y 1950au a’r 1960au ynghylch gosod atomfa niwclear ger Edern. Bydd hyn yn cael ei gyferbynnu gydag enghreifftiau eraill cynhennus o ‘foderneiddio’ golygfeydd Pen Llŷn, megis yr Ysgol Fomio ac ymlediad twristiaeth yn y fro. Holodd Baner ac Amserau Cymru yn 1957 ‘Pa lanast yw peilonau’, gyda’r cwestiwn yna’n greiddiol i drafodaethau ingol am enaid Pen Llŷn, diboblogi gwledig a’r frwydr am ‘fara’ neu ‘harddwch’

This lecture will take a look at the significance of Pen Llŷn and its landscape to ideals of Welshness and rurality during the middle of the 20th century, focusing particularly on the discussions during the 1950s and 1960s regarding the installation of a nuclear power station near Edern . This will be contrasted with other controversial examples of 'modernisation' of Pen Llŷn scenery, such as the Bombing School and the spread of tourism in the area. Baner and Amserau Cymru asked in 1957 'What a mess pylons are', with that question at the core of poignant discussions about the soul of Pen Llŷn, rural depopulation and the battle for 'bread' or 'beauty'.
6 Jul 2024


TitleGwyl Arall
Web address (URL)
LocationLlety Arall
Degree of recognitionNational event


TitleGwyl Arall
LocationLlety Arall
Degree of recognitionNational event

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