NERC cross-disciplinary research for Discovery Science Funded Project: Looking through the superlens at the impact of ozone on tree seed germination, establishment and mycorrhization.


Globally, afforestation is proposed as a nature-based solution to meet Net Zero targets. However, recent evidence suggests that ground-level ozone (O3), formed during photolysis of precursors such as nitrogen oxides (NOx), can decrease net primary productivity (NPP) of plants by 50% with serious implications for ecosystem function and sustainability. Afforestation and ecosystem restoration using natural regeneration and direct seedling are reliant on the continued viability of seed and successful establishment of forests is highly dependent on the mycorrhizal fungal symbiont that facilitates the acquisition of nutrients, improves resilience and connects plants via common mycorrhizal networks. This study will investigate the effect of ground-level O3 on tree seed germination, mycorrhization and seedling viability using cutting-edge visualisation and compound analysis techniques.

1 Jan 202330 Apr 2023