SASHI Networking Event


SASHI Networking event Manchester
This was an international networking event put on by the SASHI research project to bring practitioners and academics from different backgrounds and service users together to meet and to discuss research needs in the area of self harm and suicide in Low and Middle Income Countries (LMICs). This interactive event provided a forum for people from different backgrounds to come together and explore different view points. Research questions with real world relevant were developed and SASHI will further facilitate the development of these. Interest groups of people have formed who will explore taking specific research ideas forward.
Summary: This was an international networking event put on by the South Asia Self Harm Initiative to bring practitioners, academics and service users together to meet and to discuss research needs in the area of self harm and suicide in Low and Middle Income Countries (LMICs). This interactive event provided a forum for people from different backgrounds to come together and explore different points of view. Research questions with real world relevant were developed and SASHI will further facilitate the development of these (also see:
Underpinning research: This was part of the South Asia Self Harm Initiative programme of work which is reaching out to reduce suicide and self harm in South Asia whilst also facilitating reserach capacity building.
Beneficiaries: Beneficiaries include practitioners, researchers and service users from Low and Middle Income and High Income Countries.
Notes: I was one of the organisers and facilitated a thematic group at the event
6 Nov 2018

SASHI Networking Event

Duration6 Nov 2018 → …
Location of eventManchester

Event: Other


TitleSASHI Networking Event
Date6/11/18 → …


  • suicide, self-harm, low and middle income countries, partnership, networking