Miss Charlie Heney

Research Project Support Officer In Marine Ecology


I am born and raised in North Wales and began my Marine Biology career in 2014, completing a BSc Marine Biology and Zoology at Bangor University. I then completed a MSc in Marine Environmental Protection in 2018, where my thesis researched the artisanal and recreational fisheries of the Cayman Islands. 

I then conducted 6 months of fieldwork in the Philippines, collaborating with local fishers and conducting baseline biological survey to impelment or adapt marine protected areas to ensure that the subsistence fishery remained sustainable. 

I then returned to Bangor and joined the Sustainable fisheries Wales team to conduct research on the small-scale fishing fleet of inshore Wales, largely focussing on pot fisheries; namely European Lobster, Homarus gammarus and Brown Crab, Cancer pagurus


Currently working in collaboration with Aberystwyth University on a Fisheries Industry Science Partnership funded project evaluating lobster fisheries opportunities at an offshore wind farm in the UK.

I also wokring within the 'Filling the Gap Crustacean FISP' seeking to understand the landings composition of crustacean fisheries and the relationship between size and environmental variables such as, depth, temperature and distance from shore. The outcomes of this project will hopefully feed into upcoming fihseries management plans.

I am also in the second year of a PhD assessing growth, reproduction and age of European Lobster, Homarus gammarus with potential application to stock assessment and fisheries management.

Research outputs (5)

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