Professor Christian Dunn

Reader in Zoology / Associate Pro Vice-Chancellor / Director of Ma

Contact info

• Associate Pro-Vice Chancellor for Sustainability 
• Director of Marketing and Recruitment (SNS)
• Director of Marketing and Recruitment (CoESE)
• 4th Floor Brambell Building
• +44 (0) 1248 382098
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Dr Chritian Dunn is the Associate Director of the Bangor Wetlands Group and is an active researcher and lecturer in wetland science - in particular wetland ecology, peatland biogeochemistry, carbon sequestration and the use of constructed treatment wetlands. He is also the director of the Plastic Research Centre of Wales and has ongoing research projects looking at plastic and microplastic pollution.

In 2021 Dr Christian Dunn was appointed as the Associate Pro-Vice Chancellor for Sustainability at Bangor University, and is working on the sustainability strategy for the university.

An award-winning environmental campaigner and respected public speaker, Dr Chritian Dunn has given three TEDx talks and regularly appears on local and national TV, radio and press publications talking about environmental and climate issues. Being a former journalist he has written extensively for a range of leading newspapers and magazines.

Contact Info

• Associate Pro-Vice Chancellor for Sustainability 
• Director of Marketing and Recruitment (SNS)
• Director of Marketing and Recruitment (CoESE)
• 4th Floor Brambell Building
• +44 (0) 1248 382098
Google Scholar | ResearchGate | LinkedIn

Dr Chritian Dunn is the Associate Director of the Bangor Wetlands Group and is an active researcher and lecturer in wetland science - in particular wetland ecology, peatland biogeochemistry, carbon sequestration and the use of constructed treatment wetlands. He is also the director of the Plastic Research Centre of Wales and has ongoing research projects looking at plastic and microplastic pollution.

In 2021 Dr Christian Dunn was appointed as the Associate Pro-Vice Chancellor for Sustainability at Bangor University, and is working on the sustainability strategy for the university.

An award-winning environmental campaigner and respected public speaker, Dr Chritian Dunn has given three TEDx talks and regularly appears on local and national TV, radio and press publications talking about environmental and climate issues. Being a former journalist he has written extensively for a range of leading newspapers and magazines.


As the Associate Director of the Bangor Wetlands Group I research and teach on all aspects of wetland science. This includes wetland ecology, zoology, peatland biogeochemistry and carbon sequestration, and Constructed Treatment Wetlands (CTWs).


My interest in water quality also covers pharmaceutical waste and illicit drugs in our water systems. A project I led looking at illicit drugs at the Glastonbury Festival received international news coverage.

Another area of my research is plastic and microplastic pollution. In particular microplastic pollution in inland water systems and its potential removal using CTWs. Some of my research recieved international coverage when it was revealed, for the first time, that microplastics were present in all UK inland waters. I am the director of the Plastic Research Centre of Wales.

Alongside my teaching and research I am the Director of Marketing and Recruitment for the School of Natural Sciences and the College of Environmental Science and Engineering. As of 2021 I am also the Associate Pro-Vice Chancellor for Sustainability at Bangor University.

As a former journalist I still write regularly for a number of national publications and frequently appear on TV and radio news and current affair programmes.

I have done three TEDx talks and often give public talks on environmental issues to a wide variety of audiences.

Teaching and Supervision

In 2013 I established the Wetland Science and Conservation MSc – the only one of its kind in the UK. I now lecture on a variety of undergraduate modules, covering a wide range of topics from climate change science and statistical analysis to plant identification and writing for the press. I am the course director for Zoology with Climate Change Studies and module organiser of Life in Wetlands, and Science Communication Skills.

Every year I supervise around 15 undergraduate, postgraduate and PhD student projects.


I conduct research across a wide range of wetland science topics with a particular interest in wetland biogeochemical cycles, especially in-terms of how these can affect ecosystems, the wider environment and climate; wetland management and conservation practises, wetlands and climate change, and Constructed Treatment Wetlands (CTWs).

Another area of my research is plastic and microplastic pollution, with a particular emphasis on microplastics in inland water systems and the use of wetlands to remove them.


A former journalist and editor I write for a number of national publications, including the BBC Wildlife Magazine. I regularly appear on local and national radio and television programmes to discuss environmental issues.

During COP26 I was the daily environmetnal commentator for GB News.

I am an award-winning environmental campaigner and public speaker and have given three TEDx talks:

  1. The Accidental Eco-Warrior 
  2. How We Can Stop Microplastic Pollution
  3. Wetlands: the superheroes of the natural world

Research outputs (22)

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Prof. activities and awards (4)

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Media coverage (10)

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