Dr Christopher Saville

Clinical Senior Lecturer

Contact Info



I am interested in how our identities and where we live interact to shape our physical and mental health. More specifically I have been recently working on the following topics:

  1. How does being in the minority in terms of a salient part of one's identity influence mental health?
  2. How does Wales' legacy of coal mining continue to influence our health?
  3. What social factors are associated with men deciding to use anabolic steroids?

I am primarily a quantitative researcher, using a combination of survey, health surveillance, and geographical data; but I enjoy collaborating with qualitative researchers on mixed methods research.

Teaching and Supervision

I support the research activity of trainees on the Doctorate in Clinical Psychology course (DClinPsy). This includes formal teaching in research methods, statistics, and psychometrics, as well as supervision and ad-hoc support of trainees in their thesis projects.


I am semi-fluent in Welsh and you are welcome to contact me in Welsh or English.

Education / academic qualifications

  • 2011 - PhD , Individual differences in reaction time variability: A combined psychometric and electroencephalographic approach , Bangor University

Research outputs (41)

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Prof. activities and awards (6)

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