Mrs Elizabeth Woodcock
Honorary Research Associate

My research aims to improve collaborative relationships between public bodies and with civil society, to enhance the capacity for sustainable national well-being.
I am currently working with the University's civic engagement team, to strengthen collaboration between the University and Public Services Boards in Wales.
To do this, I am building on the collaborative relationships formed with public bodies and civil society during my PhD. Through participatory webinars, workshops and group discussions, we are finding ways to build on the research findings and co-write policy briefings.
I am also working with other researchers in the School to co-author papers for publication in peer-reviewed journals. These focus on the key findings of my PhD research and the participatory approach to dissemination.
Contact Info
Research Group/s
Co-founder of the Social Prescribing Assets and Relationships in Communities (SPARC) network Social Prescribing, Assets and Relationships in Communities (SPARC) Network - University of Birmingham
Education / academic qualifications
- 2022 - PhD , Cross-sector collaboration for Wales' national well-being: Transformative action in communities of practice , Bangor University (2017 - 2022)
- 2014 - MSc , Project Management (2012 - 2013)
- 1988 - Other , Postgraduate Certificate in Education (PGCE): Economics (1987 - 1988)
- 1986 - BSc , Economics, Analytical and Descriptive (1983 - 1986)
Research outputs (12)
- Published
Collaborative governance in social prescribing: Transforming inequalities or controlling communities?
Research output: Contribution to conference › Paper
- Published
Managing local assets collaboratively: A policy brief for community & town councils' Biodiversity Champions
Research output: Other contribution
- Published
Rheoli cydweithredol ar asedau lleol: Briff polisi ar gyfer Pencampwyr Bioamrywiaeth cynghorau cymuned a thref
Research output: Other contribution
Prof. activities and awards (4)
Managing local assets collaboratively
Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk
Enhancing partnership working in Public Services Boards
Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk
Using a Wild Pathways strategy to extend the Local Nature Partnerships alliance
Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk