Miss Eloise Kirby

Contact info

Email: eloise.kirby@bangor.ac.uk

X: @EloiseKirby_PhD

Location: George Building, Normal Site

Contact Info

Email: eloise.kirby@bangor.ac.uk

X: @EloiseKirby_PhD

Location: George Building, Normal Site


Eloise is a PhD Researcher in the School of Psychology and Sport Science. Their primary research focus is sport injury and they are particularly interested in investigating this within female populations.

Eloise is the PhD researcher on the Welsh Injury Surveillance in Girls Youth Rugby (WISGYR) Project which is externally funded by World Rugby.

Eloise previously completed her MSc thesis on Perceptions & Understanding of Concussion in Senior Female Community Rugby Union Players

Teaching and Supervision

Primary Supervisor: Dr Julian Owen

Secondary Supervisor: Dr Vicky Gottwald


Other notable colleagues that Eloise works alongside include;

Dr Seren Evans

Postgraduate Project Opportunities

I welcome enquiries from BSc and MSc students who are interested in projects relating to injury surveillance in girls' youth rugby. If you would like to discuss this further please contact me via email; eloise.kirby@bangor.ac.uk

Research areas and keywords


  • QP Physiology - Injury Surveillance, Women's Rugby, Girls' Rugby, Concussion, Breast Injury

Education / academic qualifications

Research outputs (1)

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Prof. activities and awards (2)

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