Dr Hayley Roberts
Reader in Public International Law / Director of Research, Impact

Dr. Hayley Roberts is an international lawyer with a specialisation in the law of the sea. She was educated at the University of Wales, Bangor, completing a PhD on the legal protection of underwater cultural heritage in UK, US and international law in 2012. She joined as a Lecturer in Public International Law in 2013, became Senior Lecturer in 2019 and Reader in 2023.
Dr. Roberts’ main research interests are in the areas of the protection of underwater cultural heritage and issues relating to climate change and the marine environment. She is currently writing a monograph on State-owned Shipwrecks and International Law, to be published with the University of Wales Press in 2024. She was recently PI on a AHRC/GCRF-funded grant that examined marine cultural heritage as a climate adaptation priority, working with a team of researchers in the University of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. Please see the research tab for full details on research activity.
Dr Roberts is Vice-Chair of the Board of Commissioners to the Royal Commission on the Ancient and Historical Monuments of Wales, sits on the UK National Decade Committee for the UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development and is a member of UK Blue Shield (Underwater Heritage Working Group). She also sits on the Law Council of Wales. Dr. Roberts has been consultant to UNITAR for law of the sea training, serves on the Editoral Board of Ocean Development & International Law and is a member of the UKRI Talent Panel College.
Dr. Roberts is particularly interested in supervising PhDs related to issues of underwater cultural heritage and climate change and ocean policy. She is also prepared to consider strong applications with interesting research proposals relating to cultural heritage law or the law of the sea more generally.
Dr. Roberts’ primary research interests are the protection of underwater cultural heritage, climate change and the marine environment, and the relationship between climate change and cultural heritage. She is also interested in the relationship between international law and devolved nations and the use of Welsh in legal settings.
Books and Monographs
- H. Roberts, State-owned Shipwrecks and International Law (University of Wales Press) forthcoming 2023.
Selected Publications
- H. Roberts 'Resource Exploitation in a Changing Climate: Protecting the Arctic Ocean Beyond National Jurisdiction' in A. Serdy and S. Lalonde, Research Handbook on the Law of the Sea (Edward Elgar 2024) in press.
- H. Roberts, 'Climate Mitigation, Adaptation, and the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea' in R. Caddell and P. McCormack, Research Handbook on Climate Change and Biodiversity Law (Edward Elgar 2024) in press.
- H. Roberts and H. Pritchard, 'Challenges for Human Rights Treaty Monitoring in a Devolved UK: A Case Study' (2023) 74(1) Northern Ireland Legal Quarterly 123.
- H. Roberts, 'Climate Change and the Legal Implications of Rising Sea Levels on Low Lying States' in T. Letcher (ed.) Living with Climate Change (Elsevier 2023).
- H. Roberts, 'Climate Change and the Law of the Sea Convention' in T. Letcher (ed.) Living with Climate Change (Elsevier 2023).
- G. Holly, A. Rey da Silva, J. Henderson, C. Bita, W. Forsythe, Z. Alexandre Ombe, C. Poonian, H. Roberts, ‘Utilizing Marine Cultural Heritage for the Preservation of Coastal Systems in East Africa’ (2022) 10(5) Journal of Marine Science and Engineering 693.
- H. Roberts, 'Identifying 'Exclusionary Agreements': Agreement Type as a Procedural Limitation in UNCLOS Dispute Settlement' (2021) 52 Ocean Development & International Law 113
- H. Roberts, 'Review: Maritime Legacies and the Law: Effective Governance of WWI Wrecks' (2020) 7(2) Journal of Territorial and Maritime Studies 128
- H. Roberts, ‘The British Ratification of the Underwater Heritage Convention: Problems and Prospects’ (2018) 67(4) International & Comparative Law Quarterly 833
- H. Roberts, ‘Responses to Sovereign Disputes in the South China Sea’ (2015) 30 International Journal of Marine and Coastal Law 199
- H. Roberts, ‘Review: Copyright and Cultural Heritage: Preservation and Access to Works in a Digital World’ (2011) 16 Comms Law 89
Reports and Consultations
- Written evidence to the Senedd's Legislation, Justice and Consultation Committee on the Historic Environment (Wales) Bill (September 2022)
- Written evidence to the International Relations and Defence Committee in its inquiry, UNCLOS: fit for purpose in the 21st century? (November 2021)
- Written response to the Welsh Government's consultation, Managing the Marine Historic Environment of Wales (August 2019)
- Written evidence to the Joint Committee on Human Rights in its inquiry on the UK’s record on children’s rights (with Prof. Alison Mawhinney) (October 2016)
- Written response to the Welsh Government Consultation, Proposed changes to Planning Policy Wales Chaper 6: The Historic Environment (June 2016)
- Project Team, 'Evaluating Barriers to Entering the Assembly: What Prevents Us From Standing’ (July 2014) Report to the National Assembly for Wales' Independent Remuneration Board
- Written response to the Welsh Government Consultation, Proposed amendments to the criminal offences and defences in sections 2, 28 and 42 of the Ancient Monuments and Archaeological Areas Act 1979, 2014 (April 2014)
- Written response to the Welsh Government Consultation, Proposals for the Historic Environment of Wales, 2013 (October 2013)
Other Publications
- H. Roberts, 'Turning back migrant boats: what does the international law of the sea say?' (The Conversation, September 2021)
- N. Abrams, H. Roberts, S. Willcock, T. Tenbrink, 'Will mask wearing still be common in Britain after the pandemic is over?' (The Conversation, August 2021)
- H. Roberts, ‘The Republic of the Philippines v The People’s Republic of China: A question of jurisdiction’ (IntLawGrrls Blog, May 2015)
- H. Roberts, ‘Will China force the USA’s hand to revisit the Law of the Sea Convention?’ (IntLawGrrls Blog, June 2014)
- Westlaw Insight Contributor (Law of the Sea)
- Intlawgrrls.com Contributor [http://ilg2.org/author/drhayleyroberts]
Key Grants and Projects
- Innovation & Impact Award Scheme (July 2022): 'Capitalising on the Slate Landscape UNESCO World Heritage Site and the development of sustainable and regenerative tourism in North West Wales' (Co-Investigator)
- SuMMeR CDT (June 2022): 'Management Approaches and tools to empower fishing communities' (Co-Investigator/Supervisor)
- Innovation & Impact Award Scheme (April 2022), £9,798: 'Mapping social inequality in flooding: Will future flooding predominantly happen in recreation areas and rich neighbourhoods?' (Co-Investigator)
- CAHB Seed Funding (October 2021), £2,993: 'A Human Rights Approach to Cultural Heritage Preservation' (Principal Investigator)
- AHRC (June 2021), £448,917: 'Between environmental concerns and compliance: How does media messaging affect motivation and choice between disposable versus reusable facemasks' (Co-Investigator)
- AHRC, Engaging with Government Programme 2021: Finalist; participant
- AHRC/GCRF Research Grant (January 2020), £10,000: ‘Incorporating Marine Cultural Heritage Protection into Tanzania’s National Adaptation Plan’ (Principal Investigator)
- Kess II Award (September 2018), £21,348: ‘Ontoleg Cyfraith Teulu a’r Gymraeg’ (Principal Investigator)
- SLSA Seminar Competition Award (December 2016), £2,400: ‘Devolved Nations and International Law’ (Co-Investigator)
- Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol Grant (July 2016), £2,436: ‘The Role of the Welsh Government in the Reporting and Compliance Procedures of International Agreements: A UNCRC Case Study’ (Principal Investigator)
- Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol Grant (February 2015), £4,390: ‘Welsh Legal Research Conference for Students’ (Lead Applicant)
- National Assembly for Wales’ Independent Remuneration Board Research Grant (2014), £10,000: ‘Evaluating Barriers to Entering the Assembly: What Prevents Us From Standing’ (Co-Investigator)
- Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol Grant (2013) £48,140: Project group awarded funding for extension of Welsh Medium Law Textbooks project (Co-Applicant)
- Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol Grant (2013) £43,253: Project group awarded funding to generate a series of Welsh Medium Law Textbooks (Co-Applicant)
Selected Conference Papers
- Speaker (invited), Protecting the Underwater Heritage of Wales, Legal Wales 2023, Cardiff (October 2023)
- Speaker (invited), Marine Cultural Heritage and Climate Adaptation, Marine Cultural Heritage, Law and Policy Workshop (March 2022)
- Speaker (invited), Incorporating Marine Cultural Heritage Protection into Tanzania's National Adaptation Plan, Rising from the Depths: Marine Cultural Heritage and the Environment Workshop (November 2021)
- Speaker (invited), Devolution and International Law: The Welsh Perspective, Devolution in the UK and International Law Workshop (September 2021)
- Speaker (invited), Marine Cultural Heritage as a Climate Adaptation Priority: A Tanzanian Case Study, Addressing Marine Plastic Waste as a Climate Adaptation Priority in Indonesia (August 2021)
- Speaker (invited), Marine Cultural Heritage and International Law, Tanzania's Marine Cultural Heritage: A Climate Adaptation Priority Workshop (August 2021)
- Keynote Summary (invited), Digital Past 2020 International 2-Day Conference, Aberystwyth Arts Centre (February 2020)
- Invited to Open and Close Proceedings, The U-Boat Project 2-Day Legacy Workshop, Marine Centre Wales (September 2019)
- Speaker, Devolution and Children's Rights, Greater Manchester Combined Authority Lessons from Devolution Workshop, Manchester (May 2019)
- Participant, Brexit and the Law School: SLS-Funded Roundtable, Swansea University (July 2017)
- Speaker, Compliance with the UNCRC in the Context of Devolution, Bangor Interdisciplinary Conference on Childhood and Youth, Bangor University (June 2017)
- Speaker, The Involvement of the Welsh Government in the Reporting and Compliance Process of the UNCRC, Devolved Nations and International Law Seminar, Bangor University (June 2017)
- Speaker, Time to Ratify the UNESCO Convention 2001? Challenges and Solutions for the United Kingdom, Socio-Legal Studies Association Conference, Newcastle University (April 2017)
- Speaker, The South China Sea Arbitration: The Role of Negotiations in UNCLOS Dispute Settlement, IntLawGrrls! 10th Birthday Conference, University of Georgia Law School, Georgia, USA (March 2017)
- Panelist (invited), Access to Underwater Heritage and the Law, Underwater Heritage in Wales Session, 8th Annual Conference of MOROL, Porthmadog, Wales (November 2016)
- Invited, UNCLOS Dispute Settlement in Light of Philippines v China, Sino-European Symposium on the International Law of the Sea, South China Sea Institute of Xiamen University, China (June 2016)
- Speaker, Pwy sydd bia’r Titanic? Trosolwg o’r ymdrechion i feddu’r Llongddrylliad, Welsh Legal Research Conference, Cardiff University (2014)
- Interview on Deep Sea Mining, Dros Ginio, BBC Cymru (March 2024)
- Interview on RMS Titanic 3D scanning, Newyddion, BBC Cymru (May 2023)
- Interview on the discovery of the Endurance shipwreck, Post Prynhawn, BBC Radio Cymru (March 2022)
- Y Parchedig Emyr Ddrwg (Docshed), Drama Documentary on S4C/BBC (February 2022) - discussing legal aspects relating to tampering of deceased bodies
- Interview on RMS Titanic artefacts, Rhaglen Aled Hughes, BBC Radio Cymru (July 2018)
- Interview on Blackbeard's shipwreck, Rhaglen Aled Hughes, BBC Radio Cymru (January 2018)
- Interview on the Royal Charter shipwreck, Post Cyntaf, BBC Radio Cymru (May 2016)
Teaching and Supervision
Dr. Roberts was awarded a Bangor University Teaching Fellowship in 2017 and is a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy.
- SXL 3142: International Law of the Sea (module leader)
- SXL 3110: International Law and Contemporary Issues (module leader)
- SCL-2139/3139: Cyfraith Datganoli
- SCL-3113: Traethawd Hir (module leader)
- International Law LLM (programme director)
- SXL 4040: Public International Law (module leader)
- SXL 4048: International Law of the Sea (module leader)
- SXL-4850: Sustainable Seas (module leader)
- SXL-4851: Cultural Heritage in International Law (module leader)
- SXL-4052: International Climate Change Law & Policy
Dr. Roberts is also external examiner for law at Wrexham University.
Professional Memberships
- Vice Chair of the Board of Commissioners, Royal Commission on the Ancient and Historical Monuments of Wales
- Member of the UK National Committee for the UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development
- Member of the UKRI Talent Panel College
- Member of Law, Criminology and Policing Subject Panel, Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol (Chair 2017-2023)
- Member of Law Council of Wales (Education Committee)
- Fellow of the Higher Education Academy
Research outputs (14)
- Published
An interdisciplinary research agenda for climate change and cultural heritage
Research output: Other contribution › peer-review
- Published
Capitalising on the Slate Landscape UNESCO World Heritage Site and the development of sustainable tourism in Northwest Wales
Research output: Book/Report › Other report
- Accepted/In press
Resource Exploitation in a Changing Climate: Protecting the Arctic Ocean Beyond National Jurisdiction
Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceeding › Chapter › peer-review
Prof. activities and awards (29)
Coastal Communities Community Event
Activity: Other › Types of Public engagement and outreach - Festival/Exhibition
Protecting Wales' Underwater Heritage
Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk
Member, UKRI Talent Panel College (TPC)
Activity: Other › Types of External academic engagement - Membership of peer review panel or committee
Projects (2)
KESS II Mres with HMCTS BUK2233
Project: Research
Media coverage (7)
Discovery of the Endurance Shipwreck
Press/Media: Expert Comment
Y Parchedig Emyr Drwg
Press/Media: Expert Comment
Artefacts from the RMS Titanic Shipwreck: Legal Issues
Press/Media: Expert Comment