Dr Llyr Ap Cenydd

Lecturer in Visualisation (CCC)

Contact info

Visualization, Data, Modelling and Graphics (VDMG) research group, Immersive Environments lab

My research interests include virtual reality, real-time computer graphics, procedural animation and artificial intelligence.

  1. Advances in procedural animation for Virtual Reality [REF2021]

    Ap Cenydd, L. (Participant) & Teahan, W. (Participant)

    Impact: Technological, Health/Quality of life

  2. Minimally invasive procedural training for clinicians using virtual patients

    (Participant), Vidal, F. (Participant), (Participant), (Participant), Ap Cenydd, L. (Participant), Rees, M. (Participant), (Participant) & (Participant)

    Impact: Health/Quality of life, Technological