Dr Martin Austin

Senior Lecturer in Ocean Sciences

Contact info

Office: 211 Marine Centre Wales     Phone: 01248 382803

Email: m.austin@bangor.ac.uk

Web: Google Scholar     ResearchGate     ORCID

Twitter: @mart_austin

I am an observational oceanographer and specialise in the hydro- and morpho-dynamics of the inter-tidal and shallow sub-tidal regions of the coastal ocean. My present research at Bangor includes:

  • Increasing our understanding of gravel barrier dynamics and resilience in a changing climate. Through the NERC-funded project #gravelbeach, it will deliver new scientific advances through an integrated and comprehensive morphosedimentary evaluation, intense field observations, targeted laboratory experiments, and numerical model development/simulation. This research involves UK-wide collaboration with multiple academic and industry partners.
  • The turbulent flow dynamics around offshore infrastructure and sub-sea cables that result in changes to the seabed habitat, the vertical mixing of heat and nutrients through the water column and physical impacts to the infrastructure. This research is funded through NERC and ESPRC projects and involves significant collaboration with industry partners from the Marine Renewable Energy sector.  
  • The dynamics of large-scale turbulent motions in tidally energetic regions. This EPSRC- and NRN-funded work seeks to quantify large-scale turbulent motions and assess the impacts on tidal energy extraction and infrastructure. Observational field experiments are being undertaken in the Menai Strait and around north Wales, and include industry collaborators from UK, Europe and the USA.

I graduated from Plymouth University in 2002 with a BSc in Ocean Science and completed my PhD in gravel beach morphodynamics at Loughborough University in 2005. I have subsequently been a Post-doctoral Research Fellow at: Plymouth University (2005 - 2007, Cross-shore sediment transport on sandy beaches); Loughborough University (2007, Dust generation on an Arctic pro-glacial flood plain); before returning once again to Plymouth (2007 - 2010, Impacts of offshore wave energy arrays on seabed and shoreline processes; and 2010 - 2013, Dynamics of rip currents and implication for beach safety).  Research Areas

  1. Characterisation of large-scale turbulent structures

    Austin, M. (PI)

    Welsh Government


    Project: Research

  2. KESS II Phd with Nortek UK- BUK2108

    Austin, M. (PI)


    Project: Research

  3. KESS II Phd with Sefton Council - Liverpool Bay Coastal Group BUK2E048

    Austin, M. (PI)

    Welsh European Funding Office


    Project: Research

  4. Waves Across Shore Platforms (WASP)

    Austin, M. (PI)


    Project: Research