Mr Miles Ellis

Contact info

Please feel free to contact me at any time by email @


My main project currently is a time-series study into microplastics in the Southern Ocean in collaboration with the British Antarctic Survey. We are using a 23-year time series of samples of the Antarctic cushion star Odontaster validus to track changes in microplastic density just off Rothera research base on the Antarctic peninsula and find out what environmental factors impact the density of microplastics locally. I am also interested in learning more about how microplastics move through the trophic system into higher trophic-level organisms.

Teaching and Supervision

I am actively working as a demonstrator on multiple modules. I help teach computer/statistics lessons, laboratory practicals and fieldwork with up to 200 students at a time at all levels (ranging from first-year undergraduates to 4th-year undergraduates and masters students).

Contact Info

Please feel free to contact me at any time by email @

Education / academic qualifications

Research outputs (1)

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Prof. activities and awards (3)

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