Professor Peter Golyshin

Professor in Biology (Biotechnology)

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Deiniol Rd
ECW Bldg
LL57 2UW
United Kingdom

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Chair in Environmental Genomics,

Director, the Centre for Environmental Biotechnology (CEB)





313.2, 2nd floor Thoday bldg



Contact Info


Chair in Environmental Genomics,

Director, the Centre for Environmental Biotechnology (CEB)





313.2, 2nd floor Thoday bldg




Prof Peter Golyshin is interested in the environmental genomics of microorganisms. He performed the first omics-based studies in marine obligate hydrocarbonoclastic bacteria that play a key role in marine oil degradation worldwide. He pioneered activity-based metagenomic enzyme discovery in cow rumen, earthworm gut and deep-sea environments.  His other significant achievements include the determination of the chaperonin-based cold adaptation in E. coli and Oleispira. His lab has isolated and described >10 microbial taxa at the level of the genus and above and performed culture-independent analysis of  deeply branching microbial phyla from extreme habitats. His current activities focus on mining (meta)genomes for enzymes of industrial relevance from extremophiles and biodegradation of organic pollutants (including plastics) in the environment.

Profile in Google Scholar:

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Current projects

  • UKRI Engineering Biology Mission Hub EBIC-Environmental Biotechnology Innovation Centre, Grant Nr BB/Y008332/1, Lead, Cranfield University. Bangor PI, P. Golyshin, CoIs: A. Yakunin and D. Jones 14.02.2024-13.02.2029 Total budget, £13M, Bangor Uni share, £960k.
  • UKRI Engineering Biology “Preventing Plastic Pollution with Engineering Biology (P3EB)” Mission Hub, Grant Nr BB/Y007972/1. Lead, Portsmouth University, Bangor PI, P. Golyshin, CoI, A. Yakunin. 14.02.2024-13.02.2029. Total budget, £11M, Bangor Uni share, £1.39M.
  • Centre for Environmental Biotechnology (CEB) ERDF/Welsh European Funding Organisaion-Bangor University co-funded, project ID:81280,  Director, total grant £8.6 M.
  • EU Horizon 2020, Grant Nr 101000327 FuturEnzyme: Enzymes for more environment-friendly consumer products (PI) 2021-2025, EUR 549,000.

Past projects

  • NERC (Natural Environment Research Council UK) Grant Nr NE/S004548/1. Microbial hitch-hikers of marine plastics: the survival, persistence & ecology of microbial communities in the Plastisphere (Plastic Vectors) (PI ) 2019-2023, £599,000
  • EU Horizon 2020 (Contract Nr 634486) Industrial applications of marine enzymes: Innovative screening and expression platforms to discover and use the functional protein diversity from the sea (INMARE) Co-ordinator, 01.04.2015-31.03.2019, €6,000,000
  • ERA-Net IB2-BBSRC [14-ERA IB] Grant Nr BB/M029085/1. A metagenomic collection of novel and highly efficient biocatalysts for industrial biotechnology (MetaCat) PI, 1.03.2015-28.02.2018, £340.000
  • SynbiCITE: Innovation and Knowledge Centre (IKC) in Synthetic Biology, co-funded by EPSRC (EP/L011573/1), 2013-2018
  • Innovate UK-BBSRC Grant  No. 101911 Biotechnology for Antiweeds (BaW) (PG with Dr Slava Tverezovskiy  (BioComposites) 1.09.2014-31.08.2017, £498.000.
  • NERC (joint with Davey Jones, SENR), Characterisation of the nature, origins and ecological significance of dissolved organic matter in freshwater ecosystems (DOMAINE) Apr 1, 2014-May 31, 2017, £440.000
  • EU FP7 Integrated Biotechnological Solutions for Combating Marine Oil Spills (Kill-Spill) 2013-2016, €312.000
  • EU FP7 (OCEAN.2011-2 287589) Marine Microorganisms: Biodiversity, Bioinformatics and Biotechnology (MICROB3) 2012-2016. €300.000
  • Royal Society (RS-DFID Africa Network Grants) Assessment of water quality indices of some recreational surface waters in the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa as a tool for capacity development in the impoverished Province,  Sep 1, 2013-Aug 31, 2014, £ 25.000
  • Royal Society UK (2013 - RFBR cost share) Mining novel enzymes from new thermophilic microorganisms from subsurface, Sep 1, 2013-Aug 31, 2015, £12.000
  • EU FP7 KBBE-266473 Unravelling and exploiting Mediterranean Sea microbial diversity and ecology for xenobiotics’ and pollutants’ clean up (ULIXES) 2011-2014. €300.000
  • EU FP7 KBBE-245226 Molecular Approaches and MetaGenomic Investigations for optimizing Clean-up of PAH-contaminated sites (MAGIC PAH) 2010-2014. €305.000
  • EU FP7. KBBE-226977 Marine Metagenomics for new Biotechnological Applications (MAMBA) 2009-2013. Coordinator, total 2.9 Mio EUR Associated with a Partner Project BEEM (CAD 10M)

Offices held


  • SBS Board of Studies
  • SBS Research Committee


Postgraduate Project Opportunities

At the Centre for Environmental Biotechnology we offer a range of postgraduate projects on topics exemplified below

  • discovery of novel enzymes of industrial relevance from extremophilic microorganisms and their communities;
  • microbiology of petroleum degradation in marine environments: cultivation and OMICS studies);
  • applications of marine oil-degrading bacteria (enzymes, surfactants, biopolymers, osmolytes);
  • culture-independent (metagenomic) analysis of taxonomic composition and functional potential of microbial communities;
  • investigation of the role of marine microorganisms and their enzymes in the fate of synthetic polyester plastics;
  • application of proteomics technologies to enzyme discovery (general principles, sample preparation and enzymatic digestion of proteins, LC-MS analysis of peptide mixtures and data analysis;
  • application of metabolomics technologies to enzyme discovery (general principles, sample preparation, targeted and discovery mode LC-MS analysis of complex metabolite mixtures and data analysis;
  • application of lipidomics technologies to study microbial communities (general principles, sample preparation, lipid extraction, targeted and discovery mode LC-MS analysis of complex lipid mixtures and data analysis.

To apply, please follow the guidance:

Education / academic qualifications

  • 1991 - PhD (1987 - 1990)
  • MSc , Diploma with Distinction (1982 - 1987)

Research outputs (240)

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