Professor Peter Golyshin
Professor in Biology (Biotechnology)

Postal address
Contact info
Chair in Environmental Genomics,
Director, the Centre for Environmental Biotechnology (CEB)
313.2, 2nd floor Thoday bldg
81280 - Centre for Environmental Biotechnology (SBS element)
Golyshin, P. (PI)
1/08/17 → 17/09/24
Project: Research
Assessment of water quality indices of recreational surface waters in SA
Golyshin, P. (PI)
1/09/13 → 30/09/15
Project: Research
Biologically Derived Polyesters and Polyamides - Production, Processing and Circular Life (BioP4Life)
Golyshin, P. (PI)
1/06/20 → 1/08/22
Project: Research
Centre for Environmental Biotechnology (Chemistry Element) [81280]
Golyshin, P. (PI)
1/11/17 → 1/08/24
Project: Research
Characterising the impact of dissolved organic N, P, C
Golyshin, P. (PI)
1/04/14 → 1/08/22
Project: Research
Environmental Biotechnology Innovation Centre (EBIC)
Golyshin, P. (PI)
14/02/24 → 13/03/29
Project: Research
EnzyBond Project - Enzymatic Cellulose Moulding Project
Golyshin, P. (PI)
1/11/24 → 15/04/25
Project: Research
Marine Metagenomics for new Biotechnological Applications: MAMBA (Management Activity)
Golyshin, P. (PI)
1/07/09 → 1/08/17
Project: Research
Marine Metagenomics for new Biotechnological Applications: MAMBA (RTD Activity)
Golyshin, P. (PI)
1/07/09 → 1/08/22
Project: Research
Microbial Biodiversity, Bioinformatics and Biotechnology, MicroB3
Golyshin, P. (PI)
1/01/12 → 17/09/24
Project: Research
Mining novel enzymes from new thermophilic microorgs isolated from subsurface
Golyshin, P. (PI)
1/09/13 → 30/09/15
Project: Research
Molecular Approaches and Metagenomic Investigations of Optimizing Clean-up of PAH Contaminated Sites (MAGICPAH)
Golyshin, P. (PI)
1/04/10 → 9/09/15
Project: Research
Novel metagenomic biocatalyst collections for industrial biotechnology MetaCat
Golyshin, P. (PI)
1/03/15 → 17/08/18
Project: Research
P3EB: Preventing Plastic Pollution with Engineering Biology
Golyshin, P. (PI)
1/02/24 → 15/02/29
Project: Research
SynbiCITE – Innovation and Knowledge Centre (IKC) in Synthetic Biology Centre
Golyshin, P. (PI)
1/10/13 → 1/08/19
Project: Research
Technologies of the Future for Low-Cost Enzymes for Environment-Friendly Products - FuturEnzyme (Grant No. 101000327)
Golyshin, P. (PI)
1/06/21 → 31/12/99
Project: Research
ULIXES - Unravel & exploit microbial diversity & ecology of Med Sea
Golyshin, P. (PI)
1/02/11 → 9/09/15
Project: Research