Dr Sam Jones

Lecturer in Psychology


Speech, language, and communication skills are essential to human wellbeing. Currently funded by the Royal Society, my research aims to improve our understanding of neurological disorders affecting these skills through behavioural experimentation and computational modelling, with the goal of improving clinical assessment, intervention, and rehabilitation. I have specific interests in: (i) auditory processing; (ii) the neural population dynamics of neurodivergent learning and cognitive control, and; (iii) resource-rational models of neurodivergent information seeking. Papers, code, and data for all of my projects can be found on my Open Science Framework page. 

Teaching and Supervision

  • Language and its disorders
  • Biological bases of neurodevelopmental disorders
  • Methods in cognition and brain research 

Postgraduate Project Opportunities

I would be very happy to supervise PhD projects in the areas of (i) variability in auditory perception and language development and (ii) experimental and computational modelling approaches to understanding individual differences in infancy and childhood. Please get in touch via email.

Research Group/s

Cognitive neuroscience institute

Grant Awards and Projects

2024 - The Royal Society, Research Grant. Enhancing developmental speech perception modelling through head and torso simulation. Samuel Jones, PI. £30,896.57.

2023 - UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) Talent and Research Stabilisation Fund. To support the purchase of high-spec computing resources to model the neurodivergent brain and infant and child behaviour. £7,160.

2022 - Co-investigator (with Dr. Kami Koldewyn, Reader, Bangor University, PI). Bangor University Impact and Innovation Award (BUII). Towards a comprehensive Bangor University (BU) service for neurocognitive developmental disorders: Developing a screener for social-behavioural difficulties as a route to autism spectrum disorder (ASD) assessment. £46,582.

Education / academic qualifications

  • 2020 - PhD
  • 2017 - MA

Research outputs (15)

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Prof. activities and awards (10)

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