Ms Sara Borda Green
I am originally from Trevelin, Argentina, and I completed a BA in Communication Sciences with a Public Policies and Communication Planning orientation in the School of Social Sciences, University of Buenos Aires (UBA). Before graduating, I also worked as a Digital Media Teaching Assistant and Researcher with fellow students and staff. After graduating I moved back to Patagonia where I taught Spanish, English, Welsh, and creative writing for young people, and co-coordinated a local secondary school radio station. In 2016–2017 I completed an MA in Welsh and Celtic Studies in Cardiff University, where I explored the construction of spatiality in contemporary Welsh short stories written by female authors. I also looked into R. Bryn Williams’ fiction and poetry and its strong relationship with current representations of Patagonia in Wales. The dissertation combined my interest in contemporary Welsh literature with my media studies background. I am currently pursuing a PhD in Modern Languages in the School of Languages, Literatures and Linguistics at Bangor University. My project, under the supervision of Dr. David Miranda-Barreiro and Prof. Gerwyn Williams, focuses on representations of Patagonia in the Welsh culture. Besides the academic work, over the last years I have developed an interest in creative writing in Welsh, and I have won three bardic chairs and one gwobr telyn in the three main Eisteddfods in Patagonia.
Welsh literature, Welsh culture in Patagonia, contemporary Argentine and Latin American literature, media studies, digital media and society, cultural studies, social geography, gender studies, creative writing in Spanish and Welsh.
For my BA dissertation I studied Orsai, an Argentine literary magazine (2010-2014, 2017-) that combined traditional and innovative publishing practices and created an analogical and digital universe of experiences for its readers.
My MA dissertation followed my BA work by focusing on an analysis of the Welsh literary magazines O’r Pedwar Gwynt and Y Stamp, which combine print and online publications.
'Y Gymraeg en la Cordillera: continuidades y desplazamientos en el marco del Sesquicentenario'. Paper presented in VI Congreso Nacional de Folklore, 2020, Academia Nacional del Folklore and Municipalidad de Neuquén, Argentina.
'Rôl y corff yn realaeth hudol tair stori gyfoes Gymraeg a chymhariaeth gryno gydag un stori gyfoes o'r Ariannin’. Paper presented in Symposiwm y Stori Fer, 2017, Cardiff University, Cardiff
'A pesar de todo y todos, todavía estamos aquí: GALESES POR 150 AÑOS'. Paper presented in VI Foro de Historia de los Galeses en la Patagonia, 2014, Puerto Madryn, Argentina
‘Seminario Cultura y Media. ¿El paréntesis de Gutenberg?’. Production team of the 5th Culture and Media Seminar on creativity, new technologies and new trends in art and multimedia production, 2010, Centro Cultural San Martín, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Academic writing
'Astudiaeth achos: effaith y cyfryngau digidol ar gynnwys a swyddogaeth O’r Pedwar Gwynt ac Y Stamp', article in Gwerddon (29), October 2019.
‘A pesar de todo y todos, todavía estamos aquí: GALESES POR 150 AÑOS’. Borda Green, S and Alonso, J 2018, paper originally presented at ‘VI Foro de Historia de los Galeses en la Patagonia in 2014’ (6th Forum of Welsh Patagonia History), pp 17-38
‘Impresiones sobre el ultimo ¿teórico?’. Borda Green S and Barreto M 2012, ‘Impresiones sobre el último ¿teórico?’ in Edupunk Aplicado. Emprender para emprender, pp 157-167
Creative writing
'Pywsau realaeth ar y dychymyg' 2021, review of 'Y Castell Siwgr' by Angharad Tomos in O'r Pedwar Gwynt
'Alawon Rhagfyr Mwnt' 2020, in Dweud y Drefn pan nad oes Trefn. Blodeugerdd 2020, pp.113-114
‘Richard Jones Berwyn’ 2018, in Galesa, Diario Jornada
‘Nant y Pysgod’ 2018, in Y Stamp
'Ar y ffin: croeso (All other passports)', Eisteddfod y Wladfa chair prize, 2017
'Cofio' 2017, yn Y Stamp
‘Alawon Rhagfyr y Mwnt’ 2017, in Y Stamp, vol 1.
‘Y Wldafa ddoe, heddiw ac yfory’ 2015, in Cyfansoddiadau a Beirniadaethau Eisteddfod Genedlaethol 2015