Dr Sarah Olive
Honorary Senior Research Fellow

Contact info
For a full and up-to-date curriculum vitae, please see my academia.edu page.
E-bost/Email: s.olive@bangor.ac.uk
Twitter: @drsaraholive
Contact Info
For a full and up-to-date curriculum vitae, please see my academia.edu page.
E-bost/Email: s.olive@bangor.ac.uk
Twitter: @drsaraholive
I am a Senior Lecturer in English Literature at Aston University (Birmingham) and Honorary Senior Research Fellow in the School of Educational Sciences (Bangor). My research centres on Shakespeare, in and beyond the UK. A co-authored book on Shakespeare in East Asian Education was published by Palgrave, with UCHIMARU Kohei, Adele LEE, and Rosalind FIELDING in 2021. My first monograph, Shakespeare Valued, was published by Intellect in 2015. Full details of my research publications, including book chapters and articles, can be found on this site under the tabs 'my research' > 'research outputs'.
I am interested in the teaching of literatures, in or translated into, English more generally, in terms of policy, pedagogy, and representation of literature teaching in popular culture. The scope of my interest includes teaching literatures in and beyond English-language environments. In 2022-23, I was the Megumi Visiting Professor in the English Department at Kobe College, Japan. I am interested in the topic as it relates to various sectors: schools, higher education, further education, theatre and heritage education departments, other creative industries and the media.
In 2011, I became the Founding Editor of the British Shakespeare Association's Teaching Shakespeare, a cross-sector magazine for Shakespeare educators internationally. I oversaw the publication of 21 freely-available volumes, with readers in over 60 countries, before taking up the Lead Editorship of the peer-reviewed international journal Jeunesse: young people, texts, cultures in 2021. Jeunesse was founded at and run from the University of Winnipeg, Canada, before joining the prestigious journal section of University of Toronto Press in late 2021.
My editorship of Jeunesse reflects, and contributes to, my emerging reputation for research on young adult (YA) literature and culture, specifically the gothic. I am especially interested in contemporary YA vampire literature's reworkings of Shakespeare, particularly twenty-first century retellings of Romeo and Juliet, and its representation of sexual consent and violence in relation to recent feminist activism internationally. In 2022, I won an Impact Accelerator Award to create a bilingual podcast on YA vampire fiction, consent, sexual and relationships violence (watch this space for links to the podcast in 2023).
What unites my diverse research interests in English and Education are my theoretical and conceptual frameworks, and research methods. These consistently draw on literary criticism; critical theory; cultural studies; literary, content and discourse analysis to analyse texts and other qualitative data (interview transcripts, posts on social media sites, and survey data, for example).
I created the FutureLearn Pictures of Youth MOOC, a freely-available online course, exploring children's visual culture in picturebooks, comics, television and film with Dr Clémentine Beauvais in 2018. It has had over 15,000 participants in four years, with above average retention. I also enjoy researching, teaching and disseminating my work internationally, in person, with extensive experience in East Asia.
I am a Senior Fellow of the UK’s Higher Education Academy (now Advance HE) with a Postgraduate Certificate in Academic Practice (PGCAP), a higher education teaching qualification, from the University of York in 2013. I am an experienced research supervisor (see PG section below for a list of my previous PhD students and my supervisory interests). I was awarded UK Graduate Council for Education (UKGCE)-recognised research supervisor status in 2019.
I am interested in supervising PhDs on Shakespeare in Education in the UK and internationally, as well on the teaching of literature more generally in and beyond the UK, in and beyond the English-language environments. I engage with these topics in terms of policy, pedagogy, and their representation in popular culture and on social media. I work on these topics as they relate to various sectors: schools, higher education, further education, theatre and heritage education departments. As a researcher and the lead editor of the peer-reviewed journal Jeunesse: Young people, texts, cultures, I am interested in supervising PhDs on young adult literature. I am most interested supervising PhD projects where the theoretical/conceptual frameworks and research methods are drawn from literary criticism, critical theory, cultural studies, literary, content and discourse analysis. N.b. These are not funded PhD opportunities.
To give prospective applicants an idea of the sorts of PhD projects I supervise, some of my previous supervisees (at the University of York) include: *Daniel XERRI. Lead supervisor with Dr Nicholas McGuinn. Passed without corrections. January 2016. Poetry in Malta. *Chelsea SELLARS. (née Swift). Supervisor. Passed with minor corrections. July 2016. Children’s reading identities in North Yorkshire. *Paulina BRONFMAN COLLOVATI. Lead supervisor with Prof. Vanita Sundaram. Passed with minor corrections. Shakespeare for human rights in the UK. July 2019. *Laura NICKLIN. Supervisor. Passed without corrections. January 2020. Shakespeare for rehabilitation in the United States’ prison system. *YING Zou. Lead supervisor with Dr Clémentine Beauvais. Passed with minor corrections. April 2020. Chinese parents’ use of English language picturebooks. *Hatice Herdili SAHIN. Lead supervisor with Kerry Knox. Passed with minor corrections. June 2022. Arts Education in Turkish schools.
Employment history
2022-23 Megumi Visiting Professor, English, Kobe College, Japan
2021- Senior Lecturer, Educational Sciences, Bangor University
2017-21 Senior Lecturer, Education, University of York
2010-17 Lecturer, Education, University of York
2011-19 Visiting Lecturer, Shakespeare Institute, University of Birmingham
2007-10 Associate Lecturer, Open University
2013 University of York, Postgraduate Certificate of Academic Practice
2011 Shakespeare Institute, University of Birmingham, AHRC-funded PhD in English
2005 University of Cambridge, M.Phil in Educational Research
2003 University of Adelaide, B.A. (hons) 1st Class, English major
Professional accreditation
2019 Recognised Research Supervisor, UK Council for Graduate Education (UKCGE)
2018 Senior Fellow, Higher Education Academy (previously Fellow, 2013-2018)
Editorial duties
2021— Lead Editor Jeunesse: Young people, texts, culture (previously Editor 2020-21)
2016-21 Editorial Advisory Panel Member, Palgrave Communications, latterly Humanities and Social Sciences Communications.
2011-21 Founding Editor, Teaching Shakespeare, British Shakespeare Association. (21 issues).
In preparation, Guest Editor, ‘Hot Shakespeare, Cool Japan’ issue, Cahiers Élisabéthains.
University-level activities
2021- Member of Senate
2021- Disclosure Response Team (School of Educational Sciences member)
2021- Sexual Violence Discloure Training and College of Human Sciences representative
2021- College of Human Sciences Representative, Research Concordat Group.
2021- School of Educational Sciences Representative, College Research Institute
Departmental activities
2021- Director of Research, ex officio member of Senior Leadership Team
2021- Co-director of CIEREI (Collaborative Institute for Education Research, Evidence and Impact) with Professor Carl Hughes and Dr Richard Watkins (GwE - North Wales school improvement consortium).
2021- NSS response team
2021- Athena Swan team
2021-22 Acting Chair, School of Educational Sciences ethics committee.
2021-22 Chair, Welsh Government Collaborative Education Network (CEN) project management team.
Grant Awards and Projects
Research funding at Bangor
2021 CEN (Collaborative Evidence Networks) Welsh Government funding for project with co-I Gwawr Williams on 'Pandemic impacts of teaching literatures in Welsh secondary schools'.
2022 Megumi Kai Professorial Fellowship, Kobe College, ‘Shakespeare in East Asia’, £33 000.
2022 Bangor University Impact Accelerator Award, ‘Podcast on using young Adult vampire fiction to bolster sex and relationships education in and beyond the UK’. £20 000.
2022 International Collaboration Research Grant, Office of International Cooperation, National Chengchi University, Taiwan, ‘Asian Folklore, Folk Horror, the Gothic and their teaching’. With PI Li-hsin Hsu and co-Is Katarzyna Ancuta (Chulalongkorn, Thailand), Samantha Landau (Tokyo University, Japan), and Chiho Nakagawa (Nara, Japan), £8500.
2022 KESS2 Award, offering a funded Masters degree at Bangor University, ‘Using a Creative Space to Re-engage Vulnerable Young People: investigating the feasibility of using professional theatre to enhance engagement & motivation of children & young people at risk of school exclusion’, £13 000.
2021 Welsh Government Collaborative Evidence Network, ‘Pandemic Impacts on teaching literature in Welsh Secondary Schools’, £49 000. With co-I Gwawr Maelor Williams and Mary Davies (Bangor).
Research funding at previous HEIs
2021 Great Britain Sasakawa Foundation, ‘Co-founding the Gothic in Asia Association’, £2000.
2021, and 2011-13 Student Internship Bureau. University of York, £5000.
2020 Daiwa Foundation Award, ‘Pacific Paratexts, using technology to connect Meiji University and York Asia Research Network’, PI, £2000.
2018 ReCCS Interdisciplinary Network Research Awards, York Asia Research Network, Co-I with Centre Leader, Prof. Karen Mumford, £2497.
2017 White Rose Collaboration Fund, ‘Using religious imagery in popular culture to explore and challenge everyday sexism, sexual harassment and abuse together with secondary school students’, Co-I with Katie Edwards (Sheffield), Johanna Stiebert (Leeds), Vanita Sundaram (York), £10 805.
2017 York ESRC Impact Acceleration, ‘British Gothic in East Asia’, PI with Alex Watson (Nagoya), £1432 and ‘Leeds Meets Shakespeare’, Co-I with Claire Chambers, £33 000.
2017 York ESRC Impact Acceleration Account, ‘The impact of Teaching Shakespeare’, £5431.
2017 Daiwa Foundation Award, ‘Gothic in Japan’, PI with Alex Watson (Nagoya), £2100.
2016 British Academy, ‘Shakespeare in Vietnamese HE’, £3000.
2016 Culture and Communications research theme priming fund, ‘British Gothic Monsters in East Asia’, PI with Alex Watson (Japan Women’s University), £1960.
2015 Chinese University of Hong Kong researcher mobility, ‘Shakespeare in Hong Kong HE’, £2500.
2015 British Council UK-Researcher Links, ‘Shakespeare in Korea’, £2500.
2013 British Academy, ‘The first experiences of Creative Writing A level’, Co-I with Velda Elliott (Oxford), £8385.
2013 Great Britain Sasakawa Foundation, ‘Shakespeare in Japan’, £2000.
2012 World Universities Network mobility, ‘Shakespeare in Norway’, £2000.
2011 York-Waikato staff exchange, £2000.
2007 ESRC Knowledge Transfer Opportunities Fund, ‘Food Glorious Food’, University of Sheffield with Sheffield Museums and Galleries Trust, Co-I with Peter Jackson and Graham Smith.
International conference organisation
2023 Captivating Criminality: Intersections of Crime and the Gothic, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, 2-4 March. Local organiser Katarzyna Ancuta, with Gothic Association of Asia founders and International Crime Fiction Association.
2022 What’s in a name: Re-evaluating marginalized figures from the early modern period in Britain, King’s College London/Seiki University (Tokyo), co-chair with Organizer, Barnaby Ralph (Seiki), and James Metcalfe (KCL).
2022 Asian folklore, folk horror and the gothic, Gothic Association of Asia two-part event, National Chenchi University, Tawian, September and October, with local organiser Li-Hsin Hsu and organising committee including K. Ancuta, C. Nakagawa and S. Landau.
2019 Shakespearean and Early Modern panel, Gothic Spaces conference, Tokyo, with Thomas Dabbs (Aoyama Gakuin).
2018 British Gothic Monsters in East Asia Symposium, Nagoya University, with Alex Watson.
2014 International showcase: arts, activism & social inclusion, University of York.
2009 President, British Graduate Shakespeare Conference Committee, The Shakespeare Institute.
Selected plenary/invited speaker engagements
National Chengchi Univerity, Taipei, Department of English seminar series.
Ryukoku University, Osaka, Kansai Shakespeare seminar series.
Toyo University, Tokyo, Toyo Global Leader (TGL) seminar series.
Kobe College Research Institute seminar series.
Hang Seng University Hong Kong, English Lecture Series: Shakespeare in Asia.
Collaborative Research Network: Bilingual Education & Welsh Language, research seminar.
Bangor University, Human Sciences seminar series.
British Shakespeare Association, online, Podcasts and feminist Shakespeare pedagogy.
Taiwan Shakespeare Association, Taipei/online, Shakespeare and Kunqu conference.
Shakespeare Institute, University of Birmingham Shakespeare, Race, Pedagogy conference.
Shanghai University, English department staff research seminar.
Aoyama Gakuin University, English literature research seminar on ‘Venus and Adonis’.
Warwick University, Applied Linguistics research seminar.
Warwick University, Teaching Early Modern Drama Symposium.
Tokyo University, Gothic Spaces conference.
Meiji University, Tokyo, English Department public lecture.
Toyo University, Tokyo, English Department public lecture and network meeting.
Northumbria University, Offensive Shakespeare conference.
Toyo University, Tokyo, Teaching Shakespeare symposium.
Waseda University, Shakespeare Day.
University of Melbourne, Shakespeare 400th anniversary celebration.
Chinese University of Hong Kong, English Department research seminar.
City University of Hong Kong, English Department research seminar.
Shakespeare Institute, University of Birmingham, Othering Shakespeare conference.
Nihon University, Drama, Citizenship & Education symposium.
Tokyo University, English Department seminar.
University of York, Shakespeare in the Making of Europe conference.
University of York, Re-thinking Disability on Screen conference.
Warwick University, Sidelights on Shakespeare seminar series.
University of Adelaide, English Department research seminar.
Engagement with interdisciplinary research projects
2022 Co-founder, Gothic Association of Asia, with Li Hsin Hsu (National Chengchi University, Taiwan), Katarzyna Ancuta (Chulalongkorn, Thailand), Samantha Landau (Tokyo), Chiho Nakagawa (Nara). Website co-produced with Research Officer Katherine Smith (York).
2021 Member, Sheffield Hallam Bangor Early Modern Seminar Series. A. Hiscock & L. Hopkins.
2020 Chair of Society for Renaissance Studies’ launch of the Women and Shakespeare podcast, with Varsha Panjwani (NYU) and Rachel Willie (Liverpool JM). See also invited speaker and external activities for other contributions to the same project.
2019-21 Co-Director of York Asia Research Network, with Oleg Benesch and Claire Smith.
2017-21 Chair of York Asia Research Network seminar series.
2020 Chair of Society for Renaissance Studies’ launch of the Women and Shakespeare podcast, with Varsha Panjwani (NYU) and Rachel Willie (Liverpool JM). See also invited speaker and external activities for other contributions to the same project.
2016 Co-I on national survey of teaching Shakespeare in UK schools, with Velda Elliott (Oxford).
2012-13 Contributor, AHRC Shakespeare’s Global Communities project, with Erin Sullivan (Birmingham), Paul Edmondson (Shakespeare Birthplace Trust), and Paul Prescott (Warwick).
External activities, underpinning research impact outside academia
2022 Guest, Aoyama Gakuin University, ‘Speaking of Shakespeare’ vodcast & podcast series.
2022 Guest, Teaching Shakespeare in Japan, Bridges across World Communities, Sakura FM.
2022 Staff team member, BBC Radio 4 quiz show, The 3rd Degree.
2021 Guest, Aoyama Gakuin University, ‘Speaking of Shakespeare’ vodcast & podcast series.
2021 Public lecture, Representations of Higher Education in ITV’s Morse, York Festival of Ideas.
2021 Guest, Women and Shakespeare podcast, series 3, episode 1 - Shakespeare and education.
2019 Public lecture, Venus and Adonis, Nottingham Shakespeare Society.
2018 Creator, Future Learn Pictures of Youth MOOC, with Clémentine Beauvais. 6000+ learners.
2018 Public lecture, Vampire Romeo and Juliet, York Festival of Ideas, City of York Library.
2017 Plenary Speaker, Continuing Professional Development day for teachers, Leeds Meets Shakespeare project, West Yorkshire Playhouse.
2017 Public lecture, All’s Well That Ends Well, Nottingham Shakespeare Society.
2016 Chair, British Council’s Sonnet Exchange, Blue Square, Seoul.
2016 Academic Consultant, Yohangza Theatre Company’s Romeo and Juliet, Seoul.
2016 Panellist, British Council in Hanoi teacher workshops, Shakespeare Lives!
2016 Public lecture, Shakespeare and Verdi’s Macbeth, Sejong Centre, Seoul.
2016 Academic Consultant, British Council, Hanoi, Shakespeare Lives in Words Exhibition.
2016 Academic Consultant, Ammonite Press Biographic series, Shakespeare.
2015 Organiser, public launch, UK Literacy Association’s English, Language & Literacy, 3-19, ed. John Richmond.
2015 Volunteer training, Vivien Leigh exhibition, National Trust, York Treasurer’s House.
2015 Public lectures, ‘Blue Jasmine’ and ‘A Streetcar Named Desire’, York Picturehouse.
2015 Public lecture, Hamlet, Nottingham Shakespeare Society.
2014 Organiser, Active Methods Shakespeare workshop, British Shakespeare Association.
2012-20 Steering group member, British Conference of Undergraduate Research.
2011-17 Chair, Education Committee, British Shakespeare Association.
2010 Food Glorious Food, exhibition commissioned and co-curated by Sheffield Museums Trust for Western Park Museum. Toured to Museum of Childhood, Bethnal Green.
External activities
2019— External examiner, B.A. Education, Education Department, Durham.
2017-18 External examiner, B.A. English, English Department, Northumbria.
2015-19 External examiner, English and Drama tripos, Faculty of Education, Cambridge.
Module design and delivery as Megumi Visiting Professorship in English, Kobe College (Japan), 2022-23
Shakespeare and his Age (whole year)
Theatre Studies (semester 2)
Children’s and Young Adult Literature (semester 2)
Introduction to Literature (whole year)
Dissertation Supervision: English Literature majors (semester 2)
Teaching in the School of Educational Sciences, Bangor University, 2021
Guest Lectures, for BA Childhood and Youth Studies, on Performing Shakespeare with Actors with Special Educational Needs, Rabbit Proof Fence and Critical Race Theory, Shakespeare and Representation Studies.
Guest Lectures, for BA QTS and PGCE primary and secondary students, Welsh- and English-medium, on Teaching The Tempest and Digital Media for Arts Education in Schools: the case of Shakespeare.
Personal Tutor, BA Primary Education (QTS).
Leadership in teaching, Education Department, University of York
2018-21 Programme Leader, PhD Education, including admissions, leading a PhD reading group, contributing to biannual inductions, evaluating scholarship applications, creating program resources.
2018 Acting Director of Research Degree Programmes, Autumn term.
2015-17 Director of Undergraduate Studies, oversight of three BA and one BSc programmes.
2013-15 Deputy Director of Undergraduate Studies & Admissions Tutor, oversight of three BA programmes.
2011-13 UG dissertation coordinator, for three BA programmes.
2010-17 Programme Leader, B.A. English in Education.
Income, awards and other distinctions for teaching, Education Department, University of York
2021 Nominated for a York University Students Union (YUSU) E-xcellence Award for PhD Supervisor of the Year.
2020 Nominated for a Vice-Chancellor’s Teaching Award for the B.A. English in Education, with Amanda Naylor and Clémentine Beauvais.
2019 Project partner on a successful bid to York Learning and Teaching Fund, ‘Student-generated narratives of transition and engagement’. £14000.
2017 Winner of a York Graduate Students’ Association Community Development Award, ‘Everyone’s a critic! Learn to write & publish theatre reviews’. £500.
2016 Winner of a successful York Widening Participation Grant. £5000.
2016 Short-listed for Times Higher Education Supplement Research Supervisor of the Year Award.
2016 Nominated for YUSU Teacher of the Year Award.
2011 and 2012 Nominated for YUSU Supervisor of the Year Award.
Education department teaching and module design, Education Department, University of York
New Directions in Education Research (UG, year 3) – year-round.
Drama in Education (UG, year 3)
Narratives of Youth (UG, year 2) – Education in Literature unit.
Critical & Creative approaches to English (UG, year 1) – Focus on Literary Criticism unit.
Researching English (UG, year 1) – Critical theory approaches to Venus & Adonis unit.
Exploring Citizenship and Social Justice through Literature (MA Social Justice in Education).
Studying Literary Texts (UG, year 2)
Dissertation module (UG, year 3) – year-round
Inter-departmental teaching activities, Education Department, University of York
2019-21 Guest lecturer on engaging stakeholders and the public using social media, Professional & Transferrable Skills module, MA Social Research, Research Centre for Social Sciences.
2019 Guest lecturer on theatre and education, Theatre, Film, Television and Interactive Media.
2018 Invited speaker, roundtable on social media in academia, Wentworth College.
2014 Invited speaker, free speech online and social media event, York PEN.
External teaching events
2020 Teaching Shakespeare, Shakespeare Institute, University of Birmingham.
2011-19 MA dissertation supervision, Shakespeare Institute, University of Birmingham (module leader, Shakespeare and Pedagogy, 2012).
2019 Shakespeare’s Sonnets, Aoyama Gakuin University, Tokyo.
2019 Romeo and Juliet, Sophia and Meiji Universities, Tokyo.
2019 Hamlet and Emily Bronte’s ‘Juvenilia’, Meiji University, Tokyo.
2019 Macbeth, Toyo University, Tokyo.
2017 Drama workshop for postgraduate students on Advanced English module, Tokyo University.
2017 Shakespeare in East Asian education, Open University of Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam National University, Peking University visitors at York.
2016 Workshop for teachers, British Council, Hanoi.
2016 Macbeth, year nine teachers and students, George Dixon Academy, Birmingham.
2015 Postgraduate research methods series, Education, Oxford University.
2015 PGCE English seminar series, Oxford University.
2014-15 Student Language Lounge, Japan Women’s University.
2014 Teaching Shakespeare in Japan, education undergraduate students, Takasaki University.
2012 Resources for Teaching Shakespeare, postgraduate research seminar, University of Bergen.
2012 Shakespeare and pedagogy, University College Telemark.
2012 Shakespeare & Lady Gaga, Olvikasen Akadamiet Bergen.
External activities
2020— Reviewer, UK Council for Graduate Education Recognised Research Supervisor application.
2018 Peer reviewer, British Academy research funding applications.
2006— Peer-reviewing including for academic presses:
- Bloomsbury, Cambridge University Press, Routledge, and Open Book;
- Special issues for Research in Drama Education on “Teaching Shakespeare: Digital Processes”, edited by Henry Bell, and Lingue e Linguaggi on "Experiencing Shakespeare in a Digital environment”, edited by Maddalena Pennacchia, Alessandra Squeo and Reto Winkler;
- Academic journals Adaptation, American Quarterly, Borrowers & Lenders, Citizenship Teaching and Learning,English, Humanities, Journal of Educational Thought, Journeys, Palgrave Communications, Religions, Shakespeare, Shakespeare Bulletin, Sociology Online, and Theatre, Dance and Performance Training;
- Member of the scientific committee, Iberian Society for English Renaissance Studies (I SEDERI), international conference for junior researchers.
University-level activities
2021— Academic member, International Champions Network; International Recruitment, Partnerships and Mobility; External Relations.
2018— Supervisor, York Professional and Academic Development Award (for HEA fellowships).
2016-17 Academic member, York Pedagogy approval panels, constructive alignment strategy.
2015— Committee Member, York Special Cases Committee. Policy-making around students’ exceptional circumstances, attending case hearings and appeals.
2015-21 Organising Committee Member, York International Shakespeare Festival. Particular responsibilities: social media presence, reviewing events on public blog, organising undergraduate student reviewers for British Shakespeare Association Education Network blog posts.
2015-2018 Supervisor, York Learning and Teaching Award.
2013-16 Steering Committee, York Learning and Teaching Forum. Leading and chairing workshops, chairing conference sessions annually.
2008-09 Representative, Staff/Student Consultative Committee, University of Birmingham.
2004 Representative, Equal Opportunities Committee, Flinders University.
Departmental activities
2020-21 Mentor, departmental mentoring scheme, specialising in internationalisation and professional accreditation.
2018-2020 Publicity officer for Education Department Research Centre seminars via York Talks brochure and website, including Centre Research on Education and Social Justice, Centre for Research in Language Learning and Use, Psychology in Education Research Centre, and University of York Science Education Group.
2017-21 Performance and Development Reviewer, for one junior colleague.
2017-21 Education Social Media Officer, overseeing departmental Twitter and Instagram accounts for student recruitment, engagement and research impact.
2017-19 Member, program review working groups, B.A. English in Education & B.A. Education.
2016-17 Member, workload allocation model review working group.
2016 Co-author, with Clémentine Beauvais (lead) and Amanda Naylor, of the language and literature strand materials for the Centre for Research in Education and Social Justice website.
2015-17 Visiting agencies in Seoul, Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City to promote international student recruitment,working with York’s international recruitment department.
2015-21 Mentor, for incoming, early career B.A. English in Education colleague.
2015-18 Organiser, Theatre Plus extra-curricular, cross-programme and-level departmental community-building activity with weekly play-readings, production film screenings and theatre trips.
2014 Speaker, English degrees taster, widening participation programme.
2013-17 Member, departmental ethics committee.
Research outputs (83)
- Published
Teaching Literatures in Wales: Pandemic Impacts & Diversity
Research output: Other contribution
- Published
Secondary Shakespeare in the UK: pedagogies and practice
Research output: Contribution to journal › Article › peer-review
Romeo and Juliet’s gothic space in millennial, undead fiction: from Capulet crypt to Juliet’s body
Research output: Contribution to journal › Article › peer-review
Prof. activities and awards (2)
Teaching Shakespeare (Journal)
Activity: Publication peer-review and editorial work › Editorial activity