Mr Stefano Ghazzali
Technology and Systems Advocate

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Contact info
Technology and Systems Advocate
Language Technologies Unit, Canolfan Bedwyr
Phone: +44 (0) 1248 38 8226
Mobile phone: +44 (0) 787 9696 848
Bangor University, Bangor, Gwynedd, LL57 2DG
Stefano is an Educational Technologist with over 18 years experience in the area concentrating on the development and implementation of innovative online teaching solutions. He currently works for Bangor University in the Language Technologies Unit of Canolfan Bedwyr.
Prior to that Stefano worked at Bangor Business School as a Learning Technologist for the Chartered Banker MBA. Prior to that he worked as a Programme Development Manager for Manchester Business School where he was responsible for all pedagogical and technological issues with all MBS MBA and DBA courses, Stefano was also a Senior Management Team Member for MBS and is a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (FHEA), a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts (FRSA), a Fellow of the Learning and Performance Institute (FLPI) and a Fellow of Institute of Training and Occupational Learning(FITOL).
Stefano’s work interests include Personal Learning Environments, Collaborative Learning, student centric learning and my techie interests lie in Web 2.0, Data Mining, SQL, Relational Databases,XML, Middleware, Machine Translation.
Contact Info
Technology and Systems Advocate
Language Technologies Unit, Canolfan Bedwyr
Phone: +44 (0) 1248 38 8226
Mobile phone: +44 (0) 787 9696 848
Bangor University, Bangor, Gwynedd, LL57 2DG
Research areas and keywords
- L Education (General) - Online Learning, Pedagogy, Learning Technology, Instructional Design
- LB2300 Higher Education
- QC Physics
Education / academic qualifications
- 2017 - Professional , Fellow of Institute of Training and Occupational Learning(FITOL)
- 2012 - Professional , Fellow of Learning and Performance Institute (FLPI)
- 2009 - Professional , Fellow of Royal Society of Arts (FRSA)
- 2008 - Professional , CMALT - Certified Member of Association of Learning Technologists
- 2008 - Professional , Fellow of Higher Education Academy
- 2000 - Other , Postgraduate Diploma in Electronic Engineering (XML for Systems Integration , Bangor University
- 1998 - Other , MPhys(Hons) Applied Physics with Electronics (1994 - 1998)
Research outputs (7)
- Published
Iaith a Thechnoleg yng Nghymru: Cyfrol II
Research output: Book/Report › Book
- Published
Language and Technology in Wales: Volume II
Research output: Book/Report › Book
- Published
European Language Equality Report on the Welsh Language
Research output: Book/Report › Commissioned report › peer-review
Prof. activities and awards (11)
Consultancy work with Aventido - Text Aid
Activity: Other
Voice recognition project offers big opportunity to Welsh language
Activity: Other › Types of Public engagement and outreach - Media article or participation
Kevren - Cornish Langauge News
Activity: Other › Types of Public engagement and outreach - Media article or participation