Dr Stuart Beattie

Reader in Sport & Exercise Science

Contact info

I am Reader in Performance Psychology. I am currently the Director for our Distance Learninig Degree in Performance Psychology that I also validated. 



Stuart Beattie Ph.D. FBASES

Director for Performance Psychology (Distance Learninig)

Reader in Performance Psychology

HCPC Registered Sport Psychologist PYL28829

Institute for the Psychology of Elite Performance

George Building, Holyhead Road, Bangor, LL57 2PZ

(+44)1248 383963 | s.j.beattie@bangor.ac.uk

http://www.bangor.ac.uk/sport/staff-sb.php | http://ipep.bangor.ac.uk/


Contact Info

I am Reader in Performance Psychology. I am currently the Director for our Distance Learninig Degree in Performance Psychology that I also validated. 



Stuart Beattie Ph.D. FBASES

Director for Performance Psychology (Distance Learninig)

Reader in Performance Psychology

HCPC Registered Sport Psychologist PYL28829

Institute for the Psychology of Elite Performance

George Building, Holyhead Road, Bangor, LL57 2PZ

(+44)1248 383963 | s.j.beattie@bangor.ac.uk

http://www.bangor.ac.uk/sport/staff-sb.php | http://ipep.bangor.ac.uk/


Postgraduate Project Opportunities

My research interests include Mental Toughness, Resilience, and Performance Psychology in General. Presently, I supervise PhD students involved with Resilience and Mental Toughness projects with Outlook Expeditions, the Youth Justice Service, Manchester City Football Club, and the NHS. I also supervise research students on our Performance Psychology degree from the domains of Opera, Armed Forces, Sport, NHS, and Business.  

I am willing to supervise PhD students in the following areas: Mental Toughness, Resilience, Leadership, Training behaviours; Psychological skills; Self-confidence/Efficacy and Performance. Most things related to performance psychology. 

Teaching and Supervision

Stuart was awarded a Bangor University Teaching Fellowship in 2023

I teach on the following modules

JXH-4101 Performing under Pressure https://www.bangor.ac.uk/courses/undergraduate-modules/JXH-4101

JXH-4104 Individual Performance Psychology https://www.bangor.ac.uk/courses/undergraduate-modules/JXH-4104

JXH-4214 Coaching Dyad https://www.bangor.ac.uk/courses/undergraduate-modules/JXH-4214

JXH-4410 Performance Psychology https://www.bangor.ac.uk/courses/undergraduate-modules/JXH-4410

JXH-4411 Coach/Athlete Relationship https://www.bangor.ac.uk/courses/undergraduate-modules/JXH-4411

JXH-4210 Dissertation Proposal https://www.bangor.ac.uk/courses/postgraduate-modules/JXH-4210

JXH-4211 Research Project Proposal https://www.bangor.ac.uk/courses/postgraduate-modules/JXH-4211

JXH-4316 Research Project https://www.bangor.ac.uk/courses/postgraduate-modules/JXH-4316

JXH-4317 Dissertation https://www.bangor.ac.uk/courses/postgraduate-modules/JXH-4317


Research outputs (38)

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