Dr Stuart Beattie


Contact info

I am Reader in Performance Psychology. I am currently the Director for our Distance Learning Degree in Performance Psychology that I also validated. 



Stuart Beattie Ph.D. FBASES

Director for Performance Psychology (Distance Learninig)

Reader in Performance Psychology

HCPC Registered Sport Psychologist PYL28829

Institute for the Psychology of Elite Performance

George Building, Holyhead Road, Bangor, LL57 2PZ

(+44)1248 383963 | s.j.beattie@bangor.ac.uk

http://www.bangor.ac.uk/sport/staff-sb.php | http://ipep.bangor.ac.uk/



Manylion Cyswllt

Cyfleoedd Prosiectau Ol-Raddedig

Teaching and Supervision (cy)

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