Die mittellatènezeitliche Siedlung von Göttlesbrunn, p.B. Bruck an der Leitha, Niederösterreich

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterpeer-review

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  • Raimund Karl
During rescue excavations in Göttlesbrunn during the construction of a motorway in 1989 a settlement dating from the middle La Tène period was discovered. Four excavation campaigns between 1992 and 1995 uncovered more parts of this site. The settlement seems to have been an open lowland settlement, dating mainly to early La Tène C. The settlement is located on a slight slope, facing in a southerly to southeasterly direction, c. 200 m from and 5 m above the current bed of the Göttlesbrunn brook. This brook drains the shallow valley in which the settlement was found. The subsoil on the site is gravel, with a thin layer of clay on top, covered by c. 0,70–1,00 m of good agricultural soil. This location is by and large similar to that of other, comparable contemporary settlements in Lower Austria. Post pits of at least 8 houses, 27 sunken floor buildings, 7 storage pits, 2 pottery kilns and several more, not clearly identifiable features were fully or partially excavated. They belong to at least three different building phases of the settlement. The known expanse of the site is c. 100 x 100 m. Approximately 100 meters further east, remains of another La Tène period sunken floor building and of a Roman kiln could be identified during test pitting in 1995. The sunken floor building dates to late La Tène B and may thus be slightly older than the features discovered in the main excavation trenches. It thus has to be assumed that the settlement extended further to the east, even if not necessarily contemporary with the majority of the excavated features. Appearance, construction and internal structure of the settlement seem to be quite similar to that of other La Tène period settlements in Lower Austria. According to current thinking, the site at Göttlesbrunn seems to have been a mostly ordinary open lowland settlement, probably a single farmstead or at the most a group of two or three neighbouring farms. It seems to have primarily engaged in mixed agropastoral farming. There are, however, some hints at local craft production in the form of a possible turner’s workshop and two pottery kilns discovered in 1995.


  • La Tène, Settelement, Craft Production, Pottery Production, Society
Translated title of the contributionA Settlement of the Middle La Tène Period at Göttlesbrunn, VB Bruck an der Leitha, Lower Austria
Original languageGerman
Title of host publicationDie Leitha – Facetten einer Landschaft
EditorsMichael Doneus, Monika Griebl
Place of PublicationWien
PublisherÖsterreichische Gesellschaft für Ur- und Frühgeschichte
Number of pages6
ISBN (print)978-3-902572-02-8
Publication statusPublished - 2015

Publication series

NameArchäologie Österreichs Spezial
PublisherÖsterreichische Gesellschaft für Ur- und Frühgeschichte

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