Improving access to CPD for nurses: the uptake of online provision

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Qualified nurses want to access courses that develop their knowledge and skills base within specific areas that are relevant to the work that they do. Traditional methods of delivery for post registration education usually involve attendance at a university or continuing professional development department for lectures and seminars. It is well known that barriers exist which prevent staff from being released to attend such educational activities, or to fund nurses education and development directly. Furthermore, education of the nursing workforce presents a dilemma for many education providers due to the range of learning styles of the current pool of potential students together with the ever changing demographics of the workforce. This paper aims to explore the dilemma faced by education providers and makes suggestions regarding possible solutions to supporting the continuing professional development of the nursing work force. In particular, education providers are encouraged to consider developing non-traditional study packages which maximise uptake through mechanisms such as on-line provision.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)78-84
JournalBritish Journal of Community Nursing
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - 2013
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