Number of Welsh speakers has declined – pandemic disruption to education may be a cause

Research output: Contribution to specialist publicationArticle

The recent 2022 census held unexpected news for Wales. It found the number of Welsh speakers in the country had decreased by 1.2% since the previous 2011 census, from 19% to 17.8%.

This represents an estimated loss of almost 24,000 Welsh speakers between 2011 (562,000) and 2021 (538,300). Despite the introduction of the Welsh government’s language strategy, the number of Welsh speakers in Wales has continued a downward trajectory begun in 2001.

One of the reasons for this decline could be found in the disruption caused to Welsh-medium education by the global COVID-19 pandemic.


  • Welsh Language, COVID-19
Original languageEnglish
JournalThe Conversation
Publication statusPublished - 15 Dec 2022
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