Revisiting the classics: S. Holdaway (1983) Inside the British police: a force at work

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As a field of social science research, policing has been fortunate to have a number of influential academic researchers and a rich history of significant writing. This is something to be celebrated. Our Revisiting the Classics series aims to bring together leading commentators to review books that contribute to the core of police studies. There will always be debate about which books are seminal and which authors have had the greatest influence on the discipline. We hope this initiative will encourage readers to rediscover the value of work done by previous generations.


  • policing police culture
Original languageEnglish
Article number6
Pages (from-to)713-720
Number of pages7
JournalPolicing and Society: An International Journal of Research and Policy
Issue number6
Publication statusPublished - 22 Jul 2016
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